imusrt's blog

Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012 Manual PLP Instructions

Submitted by imusrt on 8 April, 2015 - 21:45

Shortcut/launcher add -window. Notepad edit %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Criterion Games\Need For Speed(TM) Most Wanted\config.NSF13Save. Width & Height = yours (no border *). ShiftWindow (+ border = borderless)

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect)

Looks good, works well, though weapons are vert- (bigger & cropped shorter). Weapons still aim & look good, except shotgun looks too short.

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect)

Quantum Conundrum 2012 Manual PLP Instructions

Submitted by imusrt on 8 April, 2015 - 21:32

SoftTH (fullscreen, DX9 x86). Edit %USERPROFILE%/Documents/UnrealEngine3/TryGame/Config/TryEngine.ini. ResX & ResY yours. Switch AspectRatio_MaintainXFOV to ...YFOV.

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect)

Ridge Racer Unbounded 2012 Manual PLP Instructions

Submitted by imusrt on 8 April, 2015 - 21:23

Bit complex setup, but all views perfect & easy PLP once done.

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect)

Sleeping Dogs 2012 Manual PLP Instructions (& 2014)

Submitted by imusrt on 8 April, 2015 - 21:14

In-game: windowed. ShiftWindow (+ border = borderless)

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect)

Sniper Elite V2 2012 Manual PLP Instructions

Submitted by imusrt on 8 April, 2015 - 21:11

Add shortcut/launcher arg: -subwindow. Edit %LOCALAPPDATA%\SniperV2\Settings.ini. Resolution_Width & Resolution_Height (no border *). ShiftWindow (+ border = borderless).

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect)

Tera Online 2012 Manual PLP Instructions

Submitted by imusrt on 8 April, 2015 - 21:09

SoftTH (PLP resolution + border), goes in …Tera\Client\Binaries. In-game settings, Video: Windowed; Screen Ratio: More; Resolution: select PLP resolution. ShiftWindow (+ border = borderless).

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect)

The Darkness II 2012 Manual PLP Instructions

Submitted by imusrt on 8 April, 2015 - 21:06

Game renders everything well, except very rare FMV video stretched. In-game: windowed. ShiftWindow (+ border = borderless).

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect)

Torchlight II 2012 Manual PLP Instructions

Submitted by imusrt on 8 April, 2015 - 21:02

Fullscreen: SoftTH (DX9 x86). In-game select massive resolution. OR Borderless: In-game windowed. ShiftWindow (+ border = borderless)

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect)

Trackmania 2 Valley 2012 Manual PLP Instructions

Submitted by imusrt on 8 April, 2015 - 21:00

Game spreads full hor+ & FOV proper, in all view distances. Rendered video hor+ (sometimes letterboxed). Other areas bit ugly **, but decent spread & none a problem.

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect. Showing no-HUD, mappable to controller)

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