
The default grade for detailed reports. Usually something is missing which either needs testing and/or verification to be marked as needing grading.

Submitted by coffeelover239 on 3 December, 2016 - 01:17

Crash Time

Fans of arcade-racing-action watch out, Crash Time hits the fast lane! Daring stunts, spectacular crashes, thrilling criminal cases: All fans of the racing genre will easily fall in love with the newest creation of Synetic the well known specialists for furious racing-games. Various exciting cases await the player as part of the Cobra police force. Solving them requires several diverse missions to be successfully completed: Be in helicopter chases, jumps across moving trains or reconnaissance runs in tanks top-notch entertainment is guaranteed!

Submitted by Delphium on 11 October, 2016 - 12:33

This is a test to resolve some issues that might appear as i work on this, blah blah blah

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