Native, Hor+, HUD stretch.
1) In SGU 2.09, Outrun 2006 is not considered having native support, however the config file only sets your desired TH res in outrun2006.ini and that's it. Nothing you can't do using the config launcher.
The following game configuration modification(s) will be done:
'C:\Program Files\Sega\OutRun2006 Coast 2 Coast\outrun2006.ini'
2) To run the game in a resolution wider than 3840, you need to use Anti-Aliasing Quality Level 6 or lower.
I couldn't get the game to run in 5040x1050, 4320x900, 4098x768 at AAQL 7, with or without Fogging, while 3840x1024 and 3840x800 worked. If you get a "Direct3D device has run out of memory" error message, check that AA level.
3) Outrun 2006 was designed to run at 60 fps. A higher framerate will result in the game running incontrollably fast.
(I experienced this bug with SLI in XP; setting the game's SLI profile to Single GPU fixed it. No such problem in Vista64 though.)
In 5040x1050, the game will be forced to run at 57 fps. However it doesn't feel any "slower" than normal and I had no problem playing LAN games between my TH rig (57 fps) and a single-screen PC (60 fps).