Baseline (Widescreen) Solution & Issues
FOV Solution:
By default FOV is 45°
In the game folder, create a folder named "parameters", and in it file "autoexecGame2.con"
Open the file "autoexecGame2.con" using a text editor and type the command:
engine.fov 60
Then save the file.
parameters.7z (mirror link)
Open console by pressing ~ and input command:
engine.fov 60
Console command runs until the game is restarted.
You will have to enter the command every time you start the game.
Ultra/Super-Wide (21:9/32:9) Specific Solution & Issues
FMVs are vert- but watchable on 21:9
Eyefinity / Surround Specific Solution & Issues
Shadows can be displayed incorrectly. If so, enter the command in console:
Engine.ShadowSelectorEps0 360
or add this command to a file "autoexecGame2.con"
This is slightly lower shadows quality, but will remove most of problems with shadows.
parameters.7z (mirror link)
FMVs are vert-
Lighting is kind of affected by this high res 5760x1080. And it looks like DOF is affected too.
4k UHD Specific Solution & Issues