Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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 Post subject: Newbie saying thank you
PostPosted: 07 Nov 2014, 12:41 

Joined: 04 Nov 2014, 09:20
Posts: 17
Newbie saying THANK YOU I must admit I only found this site and its fixes when Watch dogs came out. Previously I’ve just sworn a lot when buying games that don’t work with the eyefinity set up and not played them. I came along and downloaded the fixer/app thingy and enjoyed it without thought for those who spent time building fixing stuff. If it’s not terribly evident yet let me confirm I am complete technomong and have no idea whatsoever about PC related items and half the language people on here use. I just pay my computer geek to build me a kick ass machine every year because I don’t even understand most of the in game settings and just want to set everything to high/max and enjoy game time!

I have a pretty hectic and stressful work life and enjoy my time on my computer relaxing/killing stuff because one simply isn’t allowed to kill employees anymore.... So a MASSIVE thanks to those that make this black magic and pixie dust PC stuff work. No more will I simply download and enjoy. I’ve just donated $100 on paypal as a thank you for Watchdogs! I will donate a further $100 for every game I get to play that you fix :) So be much appreciated if you could get COD and Evil within working (technomong remember, no idea how to download previous version of evil within!) and I will donate $100 for each :) you REALLY are making a difference to my life and I REALLY hope I can make a difference to yours with these small contributions even if it does mean I'm falling into the stereotypical eccentric English type.... Also I’m happy to support purchasing of any games you need to get these fixes working, just let me know.



PostPosted: 07 Nov 2014, 14:11 
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Joined: 08 May 2011, 18:58
Posts: 2286

Glad you found the site now :)

We gonna send it to outa space!

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2014, 00:47 
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Joined: 27 Dec 2009, 14:27
Posts: 1789
Thank you for the kind words and donations, the donations go along way to help the community via hosting, hardware and software purchases for review and sharing new experiences and technical support. :cheers:

| Gigabyte X79S-UP5-WiFi Skt2011 | i7 4820k @4.4GHz Watercooled (Ivy Bridge-E) | Corsair Vengence 32GB @2133MHz 11-11-11-27 2T Quad-Channel (8x4GB) | AMD R9-Fury-X 4GB @1140/505MHz + EKWB Watercooled | 256GB Crucial MX200 SSD | 8x 1TB Samsung F3 SATA-II | Corsair 850W TX PSU | 3x Dell S2209W 22"wide TFT's (5760x1080res) | Logitech Z-5400 5.1ch speakers | Win7 Ultimate x64 |

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2014, 04:18 
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Joined: 13 Oct 2003, 05:00
Posts: 7358
Glad you found the site, and thank you for the kind words. I'm sure the app developers appreciate the donations that you've made. Widescreen Fixer and Flawless Widescreen are two unique projects owned by their authors. Those donations go straight to them. I know they are appreciative of donations to offset their time, and help pay for games.

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