Widescreen Gaming Forum

Widescreen resolutions problems.
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Author:  tomashudson01 [ 28 Jul 2016, 21:24 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen resolutions problems.

Hi everyone I just got the Acer predator z35 and I love it. Great monitor.

I've been struggling though with the ultra-wide 21:9 aspect ratio.

Some games are supported during gameplay but during the cutscenes I get a 16:9 aspect ratio which puts black bars to the side of the cutscene. I've turned to google and many forums on this topic and managed to fix some of the games I play like the witcher 2 and 3. Though GTAV hasn't been the case.

I was wondering if there is a way to fix the resolution manually without the help of programs like widescreen fixer (which helped with the witcher 2) and flawless wide screen.

Probably in the INI files?

Thanks a lot for your time and suggestions!!

Specs: GTX1080, intel corei5 6600k.

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 28 Jul 2016, 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Widescreen resolutions problems.

Hi there and welcome!

It's pretty normal to have 16:9 cut-scenes in games. On multi-monitor, I'm used to the outside monitors fading to black for cut-scenes, and then coming back to life when the game resumes.

If you want to try to fix it for each game, you'd need to look at the Master Games List (http://www.wsgf.org/mgl) and search for the game in question, and see if someone has made that fix for that game.

As it's not something that is usually considered a problem, I am not sure how many games will have this cure for you. All the best!

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