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WSGF Guild Wars Guild
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Author:  FrankB [ 01 Nov 2006, 08:31 ]
Post subject:  WSGF Guild Wars Guild

And how the f*@# did you hit 9.5 without spending skill points? Damn... Open up the character/hero menu. Will be either "H" or "C" in the menu. It's the one that shows your face and your XP bar. Click the up arrows to spend the points. Each "rank" cost it's number of points. To go from rank 1 to rank 2 in something, it costs 1 point. To go from rank 2 to rank 3, it costs 2 points. You can buy-back at any time as well, by clicking the down arrows.

Those are attribute points ;) You can spend skill points by buying skills from the Skill seller :D (he's called Sir Bertran)

Author:  X-Warrior [ 01 Nov 2006, 11:17 ]
Post subject:  WSGF Guild Wars Guild

Don't be too quick in buying skills at the skill trainer in the Prophecies campaign - there will be plenty free ones from quests and in the end, they'll cost you 1k each. In Factions and Nightfall you'll have to buy them, but you get more gold and skill points to do so there.

Author:  Kon$olE [ 01 Nov 2006, 12:48 ]
Post subject:  WSGF Guild Wars Guild

Sheesh Ibrin, even i knew that! Thanks anyway though!

X-Warrior, if i dont think that im going to get Factions or Nightfall, is it safe to spend them, or should i keep saving?

Author:  X-Warrior [ 01 Nov 2006, 13:36 ]
Post subject:  WSGF Guild Wars Guild

X-Warrior, if i dont think that im going to get Factions or Nightfall, is it safe to spend them, or should i keep saving?

The idea is that you'll get plenty of skills for free from quests. If you have already bought that skill, it's basically a waste. If you can't wait to use a particular one, by all means, buy it. Also at the end of the game, buy what extra skills you need (you don't get them all for free). But especially earlier on, it may be worthwile to keep the skillpoints, and more importantly, the money, until later, with less risk of getting a free skill you've already bought ;)

Author:  Kon$olE [ 01 Nov 2006, 13:56 ]
Post subject:  WSGF Guild Wars Guild

I gotcha, thanks!

Im acctually fairly well off in terms of money, i found a bunch of dyes in pre-searing that i sold, and with double dye weekend coming up, im hopeing to some more.

Author:  skipclarke [ 01 Nov 2006, 15:40 ]
Post subject:  WSGF Guild Wars Guild

Those are attribute points ;) You can spend skill points by buying skills from the Skill seller :D (he's called Sir Bertran)

Then I guess I'm lost as well. I don't think I've used any skill points. What kind of things do you buy with them?

Author:  Bpops [ 01 Nov 2006, 19:19 ]
Post subject:  WSGF Guild Wars Guild

You can buy-back at any time as well, by clicking the down arrows.

You can get your points back only while in town (non-adventure, non-pvp zone), but you can spend your points at any time.

Author:  X-Warrior [ 01 Nov 2006, 19:44 ]
Post subject:  WSGF Guild Wars Guild

[quote]Those are attribute points ;) You can spend skill points by buying skills from the Skill seller :D (he's called Sir Bertran)

Then I guess I'm lost as well. I don't think I've used any skill points. What kind of things do you buy with them?

Skills. You get free skills from many quests, but you can also buy them at 'skill traders'. These skills cost a certain amount of gold - 50 for the first, getting increasingly expensive for each skill, until it hits 1000 - plus one skill point. No more skill points = no more skills.

You receive skill points for completing missions, and for each full bar of experience after you've hit level 20 (maximum level allowed in GW).

Normally, skill points aren't a problem, you'll usually have enough to buy whatever skills you want. When you start collecting every single skill in the game, you might start encountering a slight shortage though ;)

Author:  Contra33 [ 04 Nov 2006, 23:20 ]
Post subject:  WSGF Guild Wars Guild

i will probably buy it today Guild Wars the first one?

Author:  skipclarke [ 05 Nov 2006, 00:27 ]
Post subject:  WSGF Guild Wars Guild

That's where I'd start. I'm still in that campaign, though I own all of them.

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