Widescreen Gaming Forum

New account: Access denied creating detailed reports
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Author:  ImperialCommando [ 22 Aug 2012, 15:34 ]
Post subject:  New account: Access denied creating detailed reports

My new account won't let me create or edit detailed reports, producing the message:

"Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page."

Author:  Skid [ 22 Aug 2012, 16:13 ]
Post subject:  *Points*

*Points* https://www.wsgf.org/article/roles-responsibilities

New accounts are not allowed to create detailed reports, this is to help prevent spam and to prevent the abuse of the detailed report system by someone using it to advertise, both of which would probably result in a new user getting instantly banned without warning or recourse.

Also if you are planning on creating or editing detailed reports, please make sure you have fully read and understood the following couple of threads:

Author:  ImperialCommando [ 23 Aug 2012, 08:24 ]
Post subject:  Thanks for the tip, it would

Thanks for the tip, it would be helpful to new users for the three post minimum for creating or editing detailed reports to be more visible. I looked everywhere in the registration process, the registration email, checked my messages, the forum, scanned the site and did some googling. The guide on detailed reports just says "To edit a game, find it in the Master Games List and click Edit." Coming from other public contribution databases like GiantBomb, MobyGames, Wikipedia and Wikia, the requirement to be active in the forums before edits can be made is not intuitively obvious.

Author:  Skid [ 23 Aug 2012, 08:56 ]
Post subject:  It's in the top menu bar

It's in the top menu bar under HOME, and its not listed all over the place because if it was people would easily circumvent it so they could spam anyway, its not exactly a very hard requirement to meet.

Author:  g00seberry [ 23 Aug 2012, 17:05 ]
Post subject:  ImperialCommando wrote:Thanks

Thanks for the tip, it would be helpful to new users for the three post minimum for creating or editing detailed reports to be more visible. I looked everywhere in the registration process, the registration email, checked my messages, the forum, scanned the site and did some googling. The guide on detailed reports just says "To edit a game, find it in the Master Games List and click Edit." Coming from other public contribution databases like GiantBomb, MobyGames, Wikipedia and Wikia, the requirement to be active in the forums before edits can be made is not intuitively obvious.

Thanks for mentioning it ImperialCommando! I think we'll definitely have talks about adding it to the welcome email, as that does seem the most logical time to be made aware of it!

I hope this hasn't put you off contributing! :)

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