Any vert - game will get at most a C+.
The grading system needs to be as objective as possible. Saying "WoW is more vert - than hor +" is easily measureable, and therefore, objective. Rationalizing this by saying that WoW doesn't need hor + as much as BF2142 does is being subjective. Allow more subjectiveness into the equation than absolutely necessary, and the game's grade will depend more on the tastes of the reviewer than the game's widescreen support, which is a bad thing for this kind of grading system.
Plus, from a technical perspective, making WoW hor + would be a trivial task. If Blizzard wants WSGF certification, that's all they have to do, and there's no reason they couldn't do that.
Also, dollying out is not the same thing as zooming out. Dollying out on a zoomed in game will cause distortion, and furthermore, it won't even undo the vert - consistently. You can read more about this