Widescreen Gaming Forum

Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix (Gold Edition)
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Author:  mark82 [ 04 Jun 2006, 11:07 ]
Post subject:  Soldier of Fortune II: Detailed Report

I have tried setting the resolution to 1920x1200 in single player mode and it works.

Author:  Megasaxon [ 07 Jun 2006, 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Soldier of Fortune II: Detailed Report

ah, another sof2 problematic post...lol, ive had the same damn problem for multiplayer and pissed off the forum moderators doin it :P, anyways i also can get singleplayer to work perfectily fine. im thinkin that there may be some type of special PB thing goin on...dunno..

Author:  fosho. [ 20 Aug 2006, 00:49 ]
Post subject:  r_mode

i think im having this problem to, i cant set my r_mode lower than 3.

so no go for me trying to run 1680x1015.

i hope they get this working


my fav game even though its old

Author:  fosho. [ 20 Aug 2006, 00:51 ]
Post subject:  ya

and single player does work on 1680x1050

somebody HELP!

Same problem as megsaxon

this sucks

Author:  danbee [ 09 Nov 2006, 15:15 ]
Post subject:  Soldier of Fortune II: Detailed Report

Seems to work in single player, but multiplayer keeps defaulting back to 640x480.

Author:  Brainstew [ 25 Nov 2006, 20:28 ]
Post subject:  Soldier of Fortune II: Detailed Report


I'm having the same problem, SP is good but MP resets every time. I have a 20" widescreen lcd with a native res of 1680x1050. SOF2 is patched up to gold.

Author:  mengzor [ 29 Dec 2006, 00:20 ]
Post subject:  Soldier of Fortune II: Detailed Report

Bump for unresolved multiplayer problem.

Author:  fosho. [ 29 Dec 2006, 01:43 ]
Post subject:  False Information?

Yup seems like the r_mode wont go below 3. Its limits are 3 to 10

If the r_mode is not set to "-1" this means it will ignore custom settings and do its own thing. If im correct?

It would be much appreciated if someone comes up with a solution/hack for this game.

(SP works in WIDESCREEN) (MP doesn't work with WIDESCREEN)

Cranky respond to this thread after all you did make this tutorial, so you should have the answers?..

If it doesn't work don't say it fully supports MP. very miss leading :( also gets ppls hopes up.


Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 29 Dec 2006, 04:03 ]
Post subject:  Soldier of Fortune II: Detailed Report

I really don't know what to tell you. I remember it working fine for me in multiplayer without any difficulties or unusual behavior. I have no idea why it worked for me and not for anyone else on the planet. But if I could help, I'd ask you to be a little bit more polite in asking for it. Bombarding me with PMs and making demands with lots of exclamation marks and accusations of me on my own thread is not an officially recognized way of getting on my good side. Since I don't know what I can do to help, it makes little difference how you ask for it.

Author:  fosho. [ 03 Jan 2007, 04:58 ]
Post subject:  sof2

Sorry for being so annoying. just really wanted a explanation.

I really think that the problem is that the r_mode wont go under 3

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