Widescreen Gaming Forum

Borderlands 2
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Author:  funk192 [ 02 Oct 2012, 20:48 ]
Post subject:  Anyone else having issues

Anyone else having issues with the sky changing colors when sprinting or raising the fov? It's like the foggy effect dissapears. My no. 1 issue is the chat is off-screen, and 2nd is the sky.

Author:  dopefish [ 04 Oct 2012, 01:54 ]
Post subject:  SMAA actually blurs more than

SMAA actually blurs more than FXAA. However, SMAA focuses more on edges than FXAA. This means that shaders are far less likely to get anti-aliased, thus giving a sharper appearance at times. FXAA is great in that it does anti-alias shaders. If you take a screenshot side-by-side comparing FXAA to SMAA, I think you'll find the results interesting. :)

Anyway, it comes down to your own personal preference.

Author:  pox67 [ 04 Dec 2012, 00:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Detailed Report: Borderlands 2

B2 is only showing on the middle screen. This happened after I hadn't played for a couple of weeks, there may have been a patch released in that time.

I play in 3 x portrait mode (3600x1200).
When the game first came out this worked fine and I played across 3 monitors.

Now when I start up the resolution appears correct except only the middle monitor shows and the two outside ones go to sleep.

Very odd, has anyone else had this happen?

EDIT: panics over, move along, nothing to see here.
--> updated to latest Nvidia Beta drivers and B2 is happy chappy again.

Author:  BlaqVein [ 23 Dec 2012, 18:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Detailed Report: Borderlands 2

Does anyone know how to fix the chat box display screen ( to make it actually appear while playing since it is cut off in 5760x1080) resolution.

Author:  Skid [ 12 Mar 2013, 21:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gaming Tourney?

I tried this the year before you did and got about the same results, I don't think it's impossible, however a multi-game tournament is probably not the way to go. However I do have an idea as to how we could possible encourage more people to join *disappears off to the mod room of the IRC*.

Author:  TheDestroyer [ 12 Mar 2013, 23:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gaming Tourney?

Yea, multiple games was easily problem number 1. I've got a few ideas I have been thinking on over the year. Let's hit each other up.

Author:  Haldi [ 12 Mar 2013, 23:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gaming Tourney?

i think the problem will be to gather enough people who play the same game!

But if ther are any nice games, count me in.

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 06 Apr 2013, 22:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gaming Tourney?

I'm always good for some action, but as we are all well-aware timezones are hard. But the ability to organise a game with a person in a set timeframe was going to work well. Ie, you just need to play a game between now and next week at a time that suits you both.

Author:  TheDestroyer [ 28 Apr 2013, 23:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gaming Tourney?

Yea, that is how we did it when I played in CAL. A week to play and report the game results. That is how I was thinking about doing it. Seems it would work out the best.

Author:  frag85 [ 02 Jun 2013, 19:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Borderlands 2

Its nice to see a game with native support for everything triplehead related. :cheers:

Not perfect for 3480x1024 with 5:4 monitors, but at least I can scale the HUD to work OK.

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