Widescreen Gaming Forum

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
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Author:  xoroku [ 09 Sep 2011, 03:34 ]
Post subject:  2 choices

Fact is at the moment we've got 2 choices.
1.Play in "Eyefinity mode" and have the centered HUD but be unable to change the FOV because the option is "redded" out.
2.Play in "Surround" mode (NVidia users and ATI multi-monitor resolution without the Eyefinity tag) and be able to change the FOV as you desire but have the HUD spanned.

When I said that I end up seeing less in Single monitor resolution I meant that by using an FOV of 100 in 1920*1080 it feels much less restrictive than an FOV of 75 in 5760*1080 because of the Vert- effect as you said.

I don't even understand why the developers seemed to think it would be a good idea to disable FOV adjustment in Eyefinity but I certainly hope we'll find a workaround or it'll be patched.

Author:  rajkohaxor [ 14 Sep 2011, 08:02 ]
Post subject:  My HD3D to 3D vision wrapper

My HD3D to 3D vision wrapper is in such a state that it can be used by the public !
You can go try out the beta version i released on my webpage: http://rajko.info/hd3d/

Author:  tet5uo [ 15 Sep 2011, 23:01 ]
Post subject:  Patch notes up for the PC

Patch notes up for the PC version, steam should be grabbing it for you now.

Highlight from the notes, which tell of plans for a future patch...

"One extra feature we can already confirm for a future patch is support for Nvidia 3DVision and Nvidia Surround."


Author:  Gr1zzly [ 22 Nov 2011, 08:00 ]
Post subject:  Hi, when i change my

Hi, when i change my Resolution in 7680x1400 crasht my Deus Ex Human Revolution.

My PC: 3xDELL U2711, 2xGTX 480 MSI, i5 2500K @ 4,5GHz, 8GB DDR3 1333MHz, Intel DP67BG B3, Enermax Mody 87+ 800W, Win 7 Pro x64

at other Games playing perfectly

Need please Help :)

Author:  thales100 [ 22 Nov 2011, 10:57 ]
Post subject:  Gr1zzly wrote:Hi, when i

Hi, when i change my Resolution in 7680x1400 crasht my Deus Ex Human Revolution.

My PC: 3xDELL U2711, 2xGTX 480 MSI, i5 2500K @ 4,5GHz, 8GB DDR3 1333MHz, Intel DP67BG B3, Enermax Mody 87+ 800W, Win 7 Pro x64

at other Games playing perfectly

Need please Help :)

You may be running out of VRAM (1.5Gb only) at such high resolution, try to play the game at 5760x1080 and see how it goes.

Author:  HunterZ [ 28 Dec 2011, 01:47 ]
Post subject:  This is another game that

This is another game that insists on overriding the video card's hardware LUT, replacing any gamma calibration profiles that you may want to use with the game.

It appears that the best workaround is to shift+double-click dxhr.exe to launch the game in a maximized, borderless window. This disables the game's access to the hardware LUT while giving the appearance of running in full-screen. I haven't tested this method enough yet to determine whether or not there are any other side-effects or drawbacks.

An alternative method is to set the game to windowed mode, but this mode causes the game window to have borders. I find this to be a huge immersion-breaker.

Author:  fomoz [ 19 Jul 2013, 06:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

I confirm that FOV is stuck at 75 in Surround (FOV option is disabled). Is there any way to make it 100?

Author:  Garrett [ 19 Jul 2013, 13:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

fomoz wrote:
I confirm that FOV is stuck at 75 in Surround (FOV option is disabled). Is there any way to make it 100?
Possibly. The FOV setting is stored in the registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eidos\Deus Ex: HR

The first two characters of g_fov determine the FOV setting. 4B equals an FOV of 75 while 64 is an FOV of 100. Changing the registry value does affect the game but I don't have a multi-monitor setup myself so I don't know whether it will revert this change when using such resolutions.

Replace just the first two digits (leaving the zeroes alone); after the change the "Data" column for g_fov will read 64 00 00 00.

Author:  fomoz [ 19 Jul 2013, 14:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Garrett wrote:
fomoz wrote:
I confirm that FOV is stuck at 75 in Surround (FOV option is disabled). Is there any way to make it 100?
Possibly. The FOV setting is stored in the registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eidos\Deus Ex: HR

The first two characters of g_fov determine the FOV setting. 4B equals an FOV of 75 while 64 is an FOV of 100. Changing the registry value does affect the game but I don't have a multi-monitor setup myself so I don't know whether it will revert this change when using such resolutions.

Replace just the first two digits (leaving the zeroes alone); after the change the "Data" column for g_fov will read 64 00 00 00.

It's already 64 in hex, FOV still stuck at 75.

Author:  Naphthol [ 30 Sep 2013, 01:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Has anyone run into this situation here:

Eyefinity resolutions are detected, but when I pick them it crushes the whole thing down onto one monitor. I've never seen it happen before. For comparison, sleeping dogs is here:

I'm running on an HD 7950 with windows 8, updated my catalyst drivers a few days ago. If I run it in windowed mode, it will work fine spanning all three - kind of a let down to go that route though.

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