Widescreen Gaming Forum

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
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Author:  czarman [ 25 Nov 2004, 08:03 ]
Post subject:  Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Widescreen Grade: C
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: C
Multi-monitor Grade: C
4k Grade: Incomplete

Read Full Detailed Report - Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

MOH:PA is an action FPS set within WWII. The MOH franchise was created by Steven Spielberg and Dreamworks.






Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 25 Nov 2004, 13:15 ]
Post subject:  Solution: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault in Widescreen

Does this use the same graphics engine as the other MOH games? If it does, the Quake 3 Arena thread (it's a sticky in Solutions) should be able to sort it out. :)

Author:  Stangs55 [ 25 Nov 2004, 16:39 ]
Post subject:  Solution: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault in Widescreen

Does this use the same graphics engine as the other MOH games? If it does, the Quake 3 Arena thread (it's a sticky in Solutions) should be able to sort it out. :)

Nope. And unfortunatly there is no *.cfg file anywhere to be found in the directory. :roll:

(Paradigm--are you following me around?) 8)

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 25 Nov 2004, 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Solution: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault in Widescreen

Nope. And unfortunatly there is no *.cfg file anywhere to be found in the directory. :roll:

Is that before or after one run of the game? You have to generate the .cfg file first. Other than that, you might do it via a commandline switch... something like:
"C:Program FilesMedal of HonorMOH.exe" +seta r_customwidth xxxx +seta r_customheight yyyy +seta cg_fov 100

Where xxxx and yyyy are your width and height (so 1920 and 1200) I'm not sure whether it would need '-' or '+' open properties of the shortcut you run the game from, and add the switches there.

(Paradigm--are you following me around?) 8)

Eh, somehow, I doubt that. ;)

Author:  Stangs55 [ 25 Nov 2004, 18:11 ]
Post subject:  Solution: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault in Widescreen

[quote]Nope. And unfortunatly there is no *.cfg file anywhere to be found in the directory. :roll:

Is that before or after one run of the game? You have to generate the .cfg file first. Other than that, you might do it via a commandline switch... something like:
"C:Program FilesMedal of HonorMOH.exe" +seta r_customwidth xxxx +seta r_customheight yyyy +seta cg_fov 100

Where xxxx and yyyy are your width and height (so 1920 and 1200) I'm not sure whether it would need '-' or '+' open properties of the shortcut you run the game from, and add the switches there.

(Paradigm--are you following me around?) 8)

Eh, somehow, I doubt that. ;)

Yea...there's no cfg file. But I think that the command line worked! Thanks! (Is there a console command that I can use ingame to check me resolution and make sure that's what it's set at?

Thanks for your help!

Author:  LargeHassy [ 03 Oct 2005, 07:20 ]
Post subject:  A Solution that should work for everyone (a little late)

Sorry this is such a late addition. I just recently installed the game again and played it with my new monitor. The solution is similar to the other Medal of Honors and Quake 3 games. You need to launch the game once in order for the files needed to appear. Look in your my documents folder and open the folder EA Games. Then open the folder called Medal of Honor Pacific Assault(tm). The directory layout looks the same as the directories within MOHAA's main folder.

So to make sure it is all clear the folder to browse to is:

C:Documents and Settings%username%My DocumentsEA GamesMedal of Honor Pacific Assault(tm)

(If you need to make it super easy just copy and paster the path from above)

All you need to do is open the newconfig.cfg and look for the following:

set r_screenheight "XXXX"
set r_screenwidth "XXXX"

Change the existing resolutions to the resolution of your screen.

You will also need to add the following line because it does not exist in the cfg file:

set cg_fov "XXX"

Set the desired FOV value. I'm not sure if it matters where you place the entry in the cfg file but I placed mine right after set cg_max_tempmodels.

Hope this helps and I'm sorry if I didn't explain it very well..

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 20 Apr 2006, 14:38 ]
Post subject:  Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Medal of Honor Pacific Assault ...

Following the WSGF solution ... but with TripleHead resolutions and FOV.

Author:  czarman [ 09 Aug 2016, 12:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

I created a new DR and Solution ..... the set cg_fov "XXX" never worked for me.....

Author:  Atmos [ 21 Jul 2017, 00:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Game is Free (to keep) on Origin for a limited time, Get it while you can.

Author:  rodier [ 21 Jul 2017, 18:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

I get game on Origin, used fixed exe from gamecopyworld.
Problem is - game is crashing. At landing sequence when I get to mounted gun.. it crash to desktop instantly.
With original Origin exe it was ok .. but not Full HD :(

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