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==Game Information==
Quake II is a shooter from id Software and Activision, and the follow-up to. Unrelated to Quake plotwise, you play as a nameless space marine sent on an assault to the alien planet Stroggos, only to be shot down and separated from your squad. You must carry out the assault alone and destroy the Stroggos leader, therefore plunging Stroggos into a civil war in which Earth doesn't get hurt.
Because Quake II is now open source, several user-made versions of Quake II have been released. This report is primarily based on one called aprq2. When I wrote the first version, it wasn't the flashiest, most functional, or best looking port, but it was by far the best one strictly in terms of widescreen support.
Recently, a port called KMQuake2 was updated to support widescreen, and it seems like a much nicer port in general than aprq2. I haven't fully tested it, but it seems to be exactly the same as aprq2 in terms of widescreen, with the added bonus of a slightly simpler .ini solution. It's not going to get a better grade, though, so I'm not going to rewrite the entire report to be centered around it.
Aprq2 may be downloaded here:
KMQuake2 can be downloaded here:
This information is based on aprq2, version 1.19, installed on top of Quake II version 3.20.
You must have Quake II installed, full installation, and the 3.20 patch installed.
** aprQ2 instructions **
Download aprq2 here (get
Extract it to your Quake II directory. Run aq2.exe, and set all the options according to your preference, but change the resolution to 1024x768. Now quit.
Go to
baseq2, and edit aprconfig.cfg. Find these lines:
set r_customheight "xxx"
set r_customwidth "xxxx"
Change them to set your resolution, being careful to remember that the height setting is the top one. Now find this line:
set gl_mode "6"
Change it to "-1". Now find this line:
set fov "xx"
Change it according to your preference. I recommend 100 for 16:10 displays and 105 for 16:9 displays.
Finally, to correct the disappearing weapon bug, create a file called autoexec.cfg. Put this line in it:
cl_gun 2
Now run aq2.exe again.
** KMQuake2 instructions **
Download KMQuake2 here:
Extract KMQuake2 to your Quake II directory.
Go to baseq2, and edit kmq2config.cfg. Find this line:
set fov "xx"
Change it according to your preference. I recommend 100 for 16:10 displays and 105 for 16:9 displays.
If your native resolution is 1440x900, 1680x1050, or 1920x1200, save the text file, run kmquake2.exe, go to the video options screen, and scroll through the available resolutions until you reach yours. These three are natively supported.
If you have a different native resolution, find these lines:
set r_customheight "xxx"
set r_customwidth "xxxx"
Change them to set your resolution, being careful to remember that the height setting is the top one. Now find this line:
set gl_mode "x"
Change it to "-1".
==Screen change==
This game is Hor+, dependant on your FOV setting.
1024x768, FOV 90
1280x800, FOV 100
==Supported resolutions==
Confirmed resolutions: 1280x720, 1280x768, 1280x800
Unconfirmed resolutions: 1440x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200.
==Singleplayer anomalies==
I have not seen any anomalies in this game except the disappearing gun, which the workaround for has been described above.
==Multiplayer support==
Good luck finding anyone to play with. If you do, the FOV seems to be fully adjustable.
==Aspect ratio support==
The game's aspect ratio automatically matches your resolution. But the wider your aspect ratio, the higher the FOV needs to be to maintain Hor+.
1280x720, FOV 105
1280x800, FOV 100
==HUD stretch==
The HUD is pretty small, and it does not stretch.
The cut-scenes are FMVs, and are stretched.
Calculated grade: B
Major unresolved issues:
Minor unresolved issues:
Summary of widescreen-related flaws:
.ini solution.
Stretched FMVs.