Widescreen Gaming Forum

Castle of Illusion
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Author:  czarman [ 04 Feb 2014, 15:42 ]
Post subject:  Castle of Illusion

Widescreen Grade: B
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: C
Multi-monitor Grade: C
4k Grade: B

Read Full Detailed Report - Castle of Illusion

Mickey Mouse returns to the Castle in a 3D reimagining of the Megadrive/Genesis classic.






Author:  scavvenjahh [ 04 Feb 2014, 16:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle of Illusion

Here's how resolution settings work in Castle Of Illusion, and why getting the game to run at any resolution may be a breeze or a nightmare.

In-game resolution setting is a list of "display modes" that combine width, height and refresh rate. This list of modes seems to be exposed by the monitor driver, not the graphics card or the system, so there is no easy, foolproof way to fiddle with it (that I could find).

Display settings are stored in the registry:
ScreenResIndex (decimal, 0-29)

The game detects the 30 first modes supported by your display starting from 800x600 and assigns a 'ScreenResIndex' number to it. Display modes ouside of that range will not be available in-game.
Now on any given display, several low resolutions usually support two or more refresh rates - each will count as one item on the list. Even worse, each width-by-height combination counts as a pair in the ScreenResIndex scale. For instance if the first items in your in-game list are:


It means that out of the 30 ScreenResIndex values available to the game, 4 are already spent (not 3).

So depending entirely on your display's capabilities, your native resolution may or may not be available to the game !
A higher or lower native resolution is not even indicative of what the game can ultimately use...

On my Surround system, the max res I can pick is 1920x1200 (1920x1200@60Hz is #29, 1920x1200@59Hz is #30 in the list).
On my 29" monitor (2650x1080), the in-game list has so many "useless" display modes that the max res is 1920x1080@60Hz (only because it is mode #30 i.e ScreenResIndex 29).
On my older 30" panel however, only 60Hz resolutions are exposed. So the in-game list of display modes includes 2560x1600, no problem !

Things I tried that did not help:
- create custom resolutions through the registry (like 1280x540). New res's work in windows, but the in-game list is unchanged.
- prune the registry of "useless" resolutions stored by the graphics driver. All I could do was remove old monitor data and custom res's, not default display modes.
- forcerefreshrate and framelimiter settings (in pcrun.cfg) have no effect on detected display modes, either.

I suppose EDID or registry tweaks could work around the problem by hiding or deleting "useless" display modes, thus shrinking the ScreenResIndex list enough for it to include any native resolution. It seems overly complicated, though (read: way out of my league).

So there you go, the game's arbitrary "lemme count to 30 from 800x600" formula may effectively ruin support for many users, even though for all we know, the graphics engine itself supports any and all resolutions...

Author:  Toothless Spoon [ 05 Feb 2014, 03:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle of Illusion

I believe I gave this game to Hayden or Helifax - but both are pretty busy fixing games etc, so who knows if it will get fixed, or if it's possible.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 05 Feb 2014, 10:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle of Illusion

If my findings are not too far off the mark, fixing the game would be a major PITA anyway. :lolno:

Author:  czarman [ 03 Jan 2018, 16:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle of Illusion

i added a new HOR+ solution and a FOV fix

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 05 Jan 2018, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle of Illusion

Time flies... and some things do get better. Happy New Year bruh.

Author:  czarman [ 06 Jan 2018, 19:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle of Illusion

Happy new Year :onethumb:

Author:  greatxerox [ 07 Jan 2018, 15:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle of Illusion

thank you for the update Czarman & Scavvenga, your work is amazing !

i'd like to know :
"Eyefinity / Surround Specific Solution & Issues"
Same solution as in Ultra Widescreen, but in 5760x1080 you will see 2 Black bars on the sides."

For what's the settings for 7680 x 1440 please ? to change values offset

Author:  czarman [ 07 Jan 2018, 21:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle of Illusion

7680x1440: Go to Offset 6040 look for 00 05 00 00 C7 44 24 3C D0 02 and change it to 00 1E 00 00 C7 44 24 3C A0 05

Author:  petran79 [ 17 Dec 2018, 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Castle of Illusion

When I replace the exe file in Steam, 21:9 ratio works but I get garbled audio

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