Widescreen Gaming Forum

Aspect Ratio: Guild Wars Example
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Author:  Cabezone [ 24 Nov 2005, 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Aspect Ratio: Guild Wars Example

I'd call this a perfect example of doing widescreen wrong. I don't knw what you guys are seeing, it keeps the same FOV as 4:3, but you lose the top and bottem. You're seeing less of the world, you're better off with 4:3, rather than that badly implemented widescreen.

Author:  pubjoe [ 24 Nov 2005, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  Aspect Ratio: Guild Wars Example

I'd call this a perfect example of doing widescreen wrong. I don't knw what you guys are seeing, it keeps the same FOV as 4:3, but you lose the top and bottem. You're seeing less of the world, you're better off with 4:3, rather than that badly implemented widescreen.

Are you sure about that? Which game do you mean? In the screenshots linked, both "Giants: Citizen Kabuto" and "Guild wars" definately add to the FOV - Guild wars cuts a small amount from the top and bottom to compensate, but it definately adds a lot more.

As X-warrior said, zooming ability in guild-wars pretty much makes it irrelevant as long as it keeps the correct aspect ratio and doesn't stretch, you can adjust the FOV to taste using the zoom function.

Author:  skipclarke [ 24 Nov 2005, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  Aspect Ratio: Guild Wars Example


Maybe it is my screen but with the WS I see

"but you lose the top" - I agree

"and bottem." - I actually see more

"You're seeing less of the world"

- I see more width (a little hillock beside the mountain on the right side.

Author:  Cabezone [ 25 Nov 2005, 02:19 ]
Post subject:  Aspect Ratio: Guild Wars Example

double post

Author:  Cabezone [ 25 Nov 2005, 02:20 ]
Post subject:  Aspect Ratio: Guild Wars Example


Maybe it is my screen but with the WS I see

"but you lose the top" - I agree

"and bottem." - I actually see more

"You're seeing less of the world"

- I see more width (a little hillock beside the mountain on the right side.

If you look at the size of the bricks on the bottom, you'll notice the large ones are not in view on the widescreen shot. they get cut off. The hillock on the right is simply popping into view because of the zoom, you don't see more. It would be impossible to see more on the right and bottom and less on the top and left unless the view angle changed...which it does not.

The GUI uncovers some since it more out to the sides, but it's still just zoomed in with the same FOC and you lose a good portion of the screen.

Author:  skipclarke [ 25 Nov 2005, 05:03 ]
Post subject:  Aspect Ratio: Guild Wars Example

There's no doubt that they could have done if differently. But I still think it 'feels' right overall. :D

Update: Also for further discussion, it looks like World of Warcraft may also be pulling some similar stunts with their implementation of widescreen:


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