Widescreen Gaming Forum

Fable: The Lost Chapters
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Author:  skipclarke [ 13 Nov 2005, 01:06 ]
Post subject:  Fable: The Lost Chapters

Thanks for those tips. I'll give them a try tonight. (crosses fingers) :wink:

Author:  Cabezone [ 13 Nov 2005, 04:36 ]
Post subject:  Fable: The Lost Chapters

Sneaking past the guards I found to be the trickiest and most annoying part of the game. I spent ages first time trying all sorts of methods, in the end I think it's just down to timing and a bit of luck. I hid behind the big rock in the corner, waited for the three guards to go past. Two of them go out of the picture, but the third loiters near where you hide. Trick is to sneak back round the boulder and down the path towards the gate, then run when you figure he won't notice you, a frustrating process of trial and error.

As for the digging, if I remember correctly, it's to the left of the wooden pier on the other beach, mosey round there, and the dig icon should appear.

I hid behind the same rock, I think. If you wait, the last guard will wander over to talk to the second guard, you can sneak past easily then.

Author:  skipclarke [ 14 Nov 2005, 04:26 ]
Post subject:  Fable: The Lost Chapters

woohoo! Success. :)

You guys were right. It did come down to timing and a bit of luck. I really enjoy seeing how this story unfolds. Maybe we should start a new thread or post here to show pics of our cool Fable Dudes.

Also, an interesting side note. I was able to play some Fable (original) on the Xbox, and it was really suprising to see some graphical slowdown, especially in the large towns like oakvale or bowerstone. You would think that the Xbox version would have been tailored to its graphical limitations, but it seems like there are some scenes that drive the console GPU nuts. :shock:

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 14 Nov 2005, 11:54 ]
Post subject:  Fable: The Lost Chapters

Some of the later (and therefore more intensive) XBox games really pushed the hardware inside it to the limit. Although with a couple of the games, I think it was just sloppy coding...

Author:  skipclarke [ 15 Nov 2005, 03:45 ]
Post subject:  Fable: The Lost Chapters

So to commemorate my 200th post and my defeat of the Bandit King Twin Blade, here are two pics of my Fable Dude, whom I have appropriately dubbed, "Fable Dude." :D

Here's a shot with bow:

And a close up:

His facial tattoos help to cover up the battle scars he acquired a result of a close encounter with a balverine. As you can see, his hair is still a rather neutral gray. I think the good blonde look has eluded him thus far, due to his propensity for crunchy chicks and smashing barrels that don't belong to him. He's a doo-gooder though, so eventually he'll get his halo.

Right now he has chain mail, a greatsword and longbow. He's good with his sword, and uses a mix of spells and bow for long range attacks. Both screens are, of course, in 1920x1200 widescreen. :wink:

Author:  funch [ 19 Nov 2005, 03:43 ]
Post subject:  Fable: The Lost Chapters

I just finished the game last night. And the game was longer than I thought.

Played it at 1920 x 1200 resolution on my 9300 Dell laptop. As for the blue mushroom, I bought one from a vendor and the other 3 shroom locations are given to you by vendor. I know one you have to fish to get it.

I went good but I will definitely try evil next and see how the plot line works. As for scars, I don't know if theres something you can take to make em go away. Maybe like the other poster said- tattoos are good to cover em up.

I think the weapon I had was a Avo's Tear longsword. I am not exactly sure but the one I had had mana/health augmentations which imo didn't do anything noticeable- I still had to use my potions as much as I did with lower end swords.

I really enjoyed this game and it ran wonderfully on a not-so high end laptop. I liked the humor a lot especially being able to fart on command in front of people.

Aloha to you,

Author:  skipclarke [ 25 Nov 2005, 20:18 ]
Post subject:  Fable: The Lost Chapters

And now back by popular demand, the continuing adventures of Fable Dude! :D

The life of a hero in Albion is fraught with peril - monsters, assassins, evil wizards, zombies and all various manner of evil creatures can make life pretty interesting for the aspiring do-gooder. Luckily our hero can always vent some steam in the Arena:

Of course, all work and no play makes Fable Dude a dull lad. Even the most ferocious of monsters can't compare with a beautiful damsel in distress, which is why our hero is glad that he has his trusty disco moves by his side when it comes time to woo the ladies:

After a hard days work of fighting monsters and wooing damsels, nothing beats coming home to our hero's custom bachelor pad, complete with a widescreen fireplace and Albionbox 360.

Stay tuned for the continuing adventures of....Fable Dude!

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