Widescreen Gaming Forum

Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?
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Author:  Kon$olE [ 01 Oct 2006, 23:50 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?

I dunno.. the trailers and and the parts of the story that have been relealed make it out to be along the lines of the same story.

Author:  Vector [ 02 Oct 2006, 00:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?

Ok, I'm just playing Far Cry for the first time now. Looks killer on my new WS, with everything cranked. No hardware issues at all - the game runs perfectly.

But...this fooker is hard!! :shock: :evil:

I'm playing at the 'Challenging' level and it's getting a little annoying. I sometimes have to play a section dozens of times over to get past. Even if I set some parts to 'Easy'. it's anything but...

I can't imagine playing at the highest setting - I'd love to see the person who can. Without reloading each level dozens of times.

So is this game mental or is it just me??

There is a Load/Save mod you can get. Yes, some spots are difficult.
Game is seriously kewl. 8)

Crysis will be out early 2007. Check it out.


Author:  Gecko [ 02 Oct 2006, 14:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?

There is a Load/Save mod you can get. Yes, some spots are difficult.
Game is seriously kewl. 8)

Crysis will be out early 2007. Check it out.


Yeah, I got past the part I was stuck in and am now playing the Rebellion level - cool level. It's a great game - looking forward to Crysis!

Author:  skeeder [ 02 Oct 2006, 20:01 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?

I got desently into it, got bored with the stealth

Author:  wanderer [ 02 Oct 2006, 21:28 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?

You can quicksave whenever you want! Just press the "~"-key to bring up the console and type SAVE_GAME xxxx. To load it, just type LOAD_GAME xxxx. As far as i remember these quicksave files also appear in the load menu,, but i am not shure.

There is also a command that changes the FOV. I have to try it because the +FOV hack where the zoomview.lua file is changed but that does not work for me.


Author:  neoWidescreen [ 03 Oct 2006, 05:32 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?

:? I didnt mind the trigens. The first time i went up against one i was impressed that they took MULTIPLE shots to kill... they felt more hardcore than the humans. But each to their own.

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 03 Oct 2006, 07:42 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?

I got really far, and I am in some area like a lab and have to fight super mutants and some really tough guys that kill me in like one shot and are impossible to sneak past, I have some behind me and some infront of me in my only save... I got owned

probably like 80% thru the game or so and cant get past that point. Hard game IMO and I hated certian parts of it, but overall a great game still.

Author:  Gecko [ 03 Oct 2006, 14:07 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?

I got really far, and I am in some area like a lab and have to fight super mutants and some really tough guys that kill me in like one shot and are impossible to sneak past, I have some behind me and some infront of me in my only save... I got owned

probably like 80% thru the game or so and cant get past that point. Hard game IMO and I hated certian parts of it, but overall a great game still.

heh - I think I'm in the same area...

Author:  neoWidescreen [ 03 Oct 2006, 14:52 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?

Didn't they "soften" up some of the difficulty spots in the patches? If you played v1.0 then yeah, it was pretty hard.

Author:  Gecko [ 03 Oct 2006, 15:28 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry - Too hard or is it just me?

Didn't they "soften" up some of the difficulty spots in the patches? If you played v1.0 then yeah, it was pretty hard.

I'm playing the 1.33 version and it's plenty tough. I would hate to see the 'unsoftened' version... :shock:

Although, looking back, it's really only a few areas here and there that are especially difficult. The nagging thing is that since you can't quicksave (haven't done the hack yet), you have to repeat the entire sequence, which gets tiresome - esp. if the hard bit is right at the end.

Still - a great game!

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