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 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XIII
PostPosted: 25 Mar 2010, 11:41 
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Joined: 09 Aug 2006, 14:17
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Velvet, haven't you mentioned you have an X360? It's also being released on that.

My console history is extremely complicated, I tend to buy them and then sell them because I never use them. I got a Wii and sold it because I never turned it on for months. I actually got a PS3 for blu-ray at one one point and then realized I don't care about blu-ray and sold it.

It deserves mentioning that I sold both for more money than I paid for them, due to the Wii's rarity at the time and the PS3 being an early backwards compatible model.

All that said, I never bought a 360 ever, the exclusives when you have a gaming PC are extremely trivial. My girl does have a 360 though, and we live together, so I guess to be technical I do own one? Yeah, I suppose. I can't play FF13 on it though because it's the inferior version, and I am super psycho about that kind of thing.


 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XIII
PostPosted: 25 Mar 2010, 14:45 

Joined: 07 Jul 2007, 23:55
Posts: 2866
This is already out?

I guess that tells me all I need to know.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XIII
PostPosted: 25 Mar 2010, 16:11 
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Joined: 14 Apr 2007, 02:13
Posts: 1514
Final Fantasy XIII sucks.

And Final Fantasy Tactics > Disgaea.


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 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XIII
PostPosted: 25 Mar 2010, 23:05 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003, 13:52
Posts: 5706
And Final Fantasy Tactics > Disgaea.

No. Just, no. ;)

They're the same general type of game, but approach the genre from two opposing directions which are both awesome and both great.

Final Fantasy Tactics is very good.

Disgaea is awesome.

Flonne is just funny (nin nin nin!) and the whole Captain Gordon setup is a scream. :)

Tenpei Sato is a great composer, too. I like so much of the Disgaea music...

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XIII
PostPosted: 26 Mar 2010, 10:28 
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Joined: 14 Apr 2007, 02:13
Posts: 1514
FFT is a more serious game with a lot deeper mechanics to it. There's far more strategy involved with it.

Disgaea may be better for you if you like childish storylines and a simpler game overall. Disgaea has more content with the committee, voting, item world, etc., but they don't really add any extra depth or strategy to the game itself.

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 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XIII
PostPosted: 26 Mar 2010, 12:55 
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Joined: 09 Aug 2006, 14:17
Posts: 1506
FFT is a more serious game with a lot deeper mechanics to it. There's far more strategy involved with it.

Disgaea may be better for you if you like childish storylines and a simpler game overall. Disgaea has more content with the committee, voting, item world, etc., but they don't really add any extra depth or strategy to the game itself.

This makes me not want Disgaea.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XIII
PostPosted: 26 Mar 2010, 17:24 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003, 13:52
Posts: 5706
Less strategy in Disgaea?


OK, you can't tell your characters which way to face, but there is still direction-based damage adjustment (more likely to hit from behind, etc). The basic gameplay is still the same between the two. FFT has 'bravery' and 'faith' and the zodiac and sexes issues when entering any battle (male characters charmed more easily by female ones, etc...) but I've been through FFT several times now and only encountered one situation where Bravery or Faith played a role in my winning or losing.

The plot of FFT reads like a fantasy novel. The plot of Disgaea reads like... a fantasy novel. Just different types of fantasy novel. I wouldn't say the storyline of Disgaea was childish, just overall more lighthearted.

But whatever; SV, find a copy of Disgaea 1 or 2 and give them a shot since you've got a PS2. I'd send you a copy of Disgaea to try, but the PS2 was region locked so it won't be much use.


I like the Disgaea games, and Final Fantasy Tactics. Hell, I even quite liked FFT Advance, although I will admit that it was nowhere near as good as FFT. FFTA2 was very poor indeed.

The thing is, there aren't many SRPGs around. They're not all that popular. They attain a 'cult' status but I know that most of my friends (even the serious gamers) cannot understand why I like them as games. FFT has a storyline that drew me through the game, even though I could see the plot twists coming a mile off, and the ending made me very annoyed, particularly when I saw it happen just as I expected it to. Let's face it, the ending was obvious from the minute Delita went off on his own. But Disgaea has a charm all its own. Makai Kingdom isn't half bad, but it's pre-Disgaea so is a little rough around the edges.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XIII
PostPosted: 30 Mar 2010, 02:39 

Joined: 16 May 2009, 16:27
Posts: 97
Holy C**p, a thread about my console :p (that is after my 360 died and died and died ...)

Many nice titles, but best reasons in my opinion would be a bit different.

Metal Gear Sold 4, ofc you cant leave that peace of art out - its just awesome, better story telling then anything before and a great finish to solids story and metal gear online is just fun!
Demons Souls, as it is the most brutal and unforgiving game in a long time, a dungeon crawler made perfect with a totally unique online mode and a real sense of achievement.
valkyria chronicles, the best (period!) srpg out there - just try and be amazed.
ratchet and clank future trilogy, action ,adventure, a hero in tight spandex, robots, clocks and wormholes - what more could you want?
Folklore, feels like pokemon with a really dark mood to me with a great story.

ff13 i wouldn't put on that list, as it has so many flaws on the gameplay side and i'm not even talking about the towns. i have played almost all parts there have been and by far the best were 6 and 12 in my opinion. 7 had some upsides but 8 felt more mature and 9 had really likable characters. but the problem in my opinion is, that most jrpgs have a strong start with a bang that throws you right into the middle of hell, but slow down afterwards. same happened in part 10. if you're willing to dive into the games depths then 12 is most likely the best game so far. many people criticized its differences, but they only made the whole genre feel fresh, especially the western type characterdesigns and storytelling with the steady pace keeping up through the whole game, and especially the missing bang just a few hours before the game ends, changing the evil mastermind behind the plot whatsoever. i hated those "revelations" in the older parts. 13 i've seen so far on my brothers 360, and i know ill get it, but as far as i've seen aside from the graphics it doesn't have much to offer to me, since the combat and all seems to be too easy .... again, and maybe by now you can tell that i like my games punishing hard. i'm a masochist when it comes to gaming, i guess and ff13 doesn't turn me on at all.

On Disgea i cant say much. Only played a bit of part 2 i think it was, and it didn't get to me ... but try yourself i guess

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XIII
PostPosted: 30 Mar 2010, 03:04 
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Joined: 09 Aug 2006, 14:17
Posts: 1506
Metal Gear Sold 4, ofc you cant leave that peace of art out - its just awesome, better story telling then anything before and a great finish to solids story and metal gear online is just fun!

I despise Metal Gear Solid... well, 1, 2 and 3 I did anyway, I doubt this one is much different. More movies than gameplay, insanely stupid storyline and cumbersome controls and mechanics. Not for me.

Demons Souls, as it is the most brutal and unforgiving game in a long time, a dungeon crawler made perfect with a totally unique online mode and a real sense of achievement.

This one is definitely on my list, one of the games that makes me want a PS3.

valkyria chronicles, the best (period!) srpg out there - just try and be amazed.
ratchet and clank future trilogy, action ,adventure, a hero in tight spandex, robots, clocks and wormholes - what more could you want?
Folklore, feels like pokemon with a really dark mood to me with a great story.

Don't really know much about these. Ratchet is more a kids game isn't it? Googling Valkyria it looks really, really Japanese... not usually my thing, but I can't really say. Folklore looks neat.

 Post subject: Re: Final Fantasy XIII
PostPosted: 30 Mar 2010, 04:55 

Joined: 07 Nov 2005, 04:16
Posts: 3010
MGS has some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a supposedly story-driven video game. That goes for all four MGS games, and the GBC spinoff too. Even in the critically beloved and certified classic MGS1, the entire plot is driven by people telling Snake to do stuff, which he does, and then it turns out someone was lying, and his efforts simply cause bad stuff to happen. AND HE KEEPS DOING IT AND ACTS SURPRISED AT THE RESULTS. Thing is, there is some gaming greatness, some really high production values, and potentially brilliant storytelling techniques, but it's buried underneath mountains of twaddle and nonsense.

I'd say the best PS3 games at the moment are Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Ninja Gaiden Black on the original XBox is better, though), Resistance: Fall of Man, Uncharted 1&2, and God of War Collection (haven't played GoW3 yet but I'm sure it's just like 1&2 and therefore one of the best games on the platform).

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