Widescreen Gaming Forum

Amnesia - Dark Descent
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Author:  thales100 [ 11 Sep 2010, 18:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Amnesia - Dark Descent

I downloaded the demo to give it a try and I'm having the same performance issues in surround that was mentioned by others. No matter what settings I seem to choose I can't get any more than 11fps. :( Not sure what its problem is.

Yep, i get 5 FPS running 3-way SLI of GTX 480, certainly a drivers issue. :cry:

Author:  yogibbear [ 14 Sep 2010, 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Amnesia - Dark Descent

Anywho i'm up to cistern but haven't played it since the weekend. Amazing game so far. Absolutely freaking out at times.

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 15 Sep 2010, 21:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Amnesia - Dark Descent

Saw this game on the front page, viewed the video trailer and was like meh. Reminded me of those old point & click games I played as a kid that I didnt really like too much (name of them escapes me at the moment) but with all the rave here I may check it out, atleast the demo.

I did like the D series in the day I think it was D2 on the Sega Saturn that was the first game that was point & click that was really good and also really scary.

Author:  skipclarke [ 16 Sep 2010, 02:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Amnesia - Dark Descent

So it's a survival horror PC exclusive game? Do you actually get to see monsters or they remain invisible?

Author:  Abram [ 16 Sep 2010, 02:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Amnesia - Dark Descent

As in the Penumbra games, there are baddies, but you're more or less defenseless, which adds to the anxiety. It's all evasion (so far, i'm about and hour in). The game has made me jump a few times. I enjoy it enough, but I haven't been able to get my surround sound working with it, which sucks, and they use a lot of the same tricks as the Penumbra games. But it's quite worth the $20.

Even though it's ALL first-person perspective, it's IS kinda like a point-and-click game.

My biggest beef with it is that the game doesn't remember moved objects, so if you mess up the objects in a room and you come back to it later, everything is back in its' original place, which REALLY kills the immersion. I actually think it may be a bug.. its a pretty glaring mistake and I'm surprised that they didn't fix it before release.. Lesser game can do it, so why not this one?

Author:  Fraggle42 [ 16 Sep 2010, 06:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Amnesia - Dark Descent

Just finished my first play through. Very impressed. Will definitely playing through a couple of more times to get the other endings. Going to have to look up Penumbra if its in the same sort of vein. This game sort of reminded me of the first alone in the dark games that come out on the 486.

Only problem i had was getting the game to run, not a major problem just had to update video drivers.

Author:  yogibbear [ 18 Sep 2010, 09:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Amnesia - Dark Descent

So it's a survival horror PC exclusive game? Do you actually get to see monsters or they remain invisible?

Yes you get to see the monsters

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 19 Sep 2010, 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Amnesia - Dark Descent

But you should never look at them. And they can run.

Editing tools have been released, this should be fun :)

Author:  thales100 [ 20 Sep 2010, 13:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Amnesia - Dark Descent

I downloaded the demo to give it a try and I'm having the same performance issues in surround that was mentioned by others. No matter what settings I seem to choose I can't get any more than 11fps. :( Not sure what its problem is.

K got it working fine on tri-SLI surround (full version), the steam version wont work cause you need to rename the Amnesia.exe to Penumbra.exe, i downloaded it directly from frictional games. :cheers
More information here : http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thread-3737.html

Author:  BRPunk [ 22 Sep 2010, 07:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Amnesia - Dark Descent

Played about an hour or so today, and was thoroughly enjoying it. Working in eyefinity on the steam version here right out of the box.

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