Widescreen Gaming Forum

Windows 95 games
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Author:  FramerateUK [ 24 Apr 2006, 21:16 ]
Post subject:  Windows 95 games

weren't there 4 discs for FF7 ?

On the PC yeah, there was an install disk to go with the 3 standard game disks.

Its always annoyed me really as it took up 400mb of HD, which at the time was a lot! Yet the playstation version played without problem from a 2x CD-ROM!

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 24 Apr 2006, 21:58 ]
Post subject:  Windows 95 games


It never really bothered me all that much; I found scene transitions much faster on the PC; especially the start of battles.

FF8 came on 4 discs on the PSX, and five (4 game + install) on the PC - again, I think it performed better on the PC, provided you had at least the minimum spec for the game with a 4MB 3D card, it ran fine.

Author:  FramerateUK [ 24 Apr 2006, 23:39 ]
Post subject:  Windows 95 games


It never really bothered me all that much; I found scene transitions much faster on the PC; especially the start of battles.

FF8 came on 4 discs on the PSX, and five (4 game + install) on the PC - again, I think it performed better on the PC, provided you had at least the minimum spec for the game with a 4MB 3D card, it ran fine.

FF8 looked awesome on the PC due to the high res videos, it was deffinately a far better conversion than FF7.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 25 Apr 2006, 21:58 ]
Post subject:  Windows 95 games

I agree. :)

:lol: Y'know, I've just realised I've done it again... dragged a conversation about Win95 games round to Final Fantasy! :D :lol:

Author:  FramerateUK [ 26 Apr 2006, 00:10 ]
Post subject:  Windows 95 games

I agree. :)

:lol: Y'know, I've just realised I've done it again... dragged a conversation about Win95 games round to Final Fantasy! :D :lol:

You'll hear no complaints from me :) My life revolved around FF7 for a long time :)

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 26 Apr 2006, 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Windows 95 games

You'll hear no complaints from me :) My life revolved around FF7 for a long time :)

And mine FFVIII. ;)

I need a FF8 avatar... :lol:

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