Widescreen Gaming Forum

Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/
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Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 26 Aug 2006, 23:43 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/

I've never actually seen the anime - just read the manga. Call me a manga purist. ;)

I won't go into the reasons I put that in my sig, though; I think they're better left alone. But I do rotate the odd quote in and out of my sig from time to time... I had one from 8-bit Theatre for a while. :D

Author:  skipclarke [ 27 Aug 2006, 13:15 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/

RE: "I won't go into the reasons I put that in my sig, though; I think they're better left alone."

I accuse you, squire, of serving up a Mystery Sandwich.... :wink:

Author:  FramerateUK [ 27 Aug 2006, 21:11 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/

On the game compatibility issue, a lot of games that have been released lately have widescreen support, and with MS pushing widescreen for vista, its only going to get better. ;)

I think WOW correctly supports widescreen res and FOV now by the way, im pretty sure there was a thread on here with some details about it a few months ago.

Author:  Gabbo [ 28 Aug 2006, 02:00 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/

WOW looks great in WS. I am almost certain that it actually his HOR+ too. I know that the Master list says Vert-. but I don't believe it. I swear that you can move the camera angle forwards and backwards with the mouse wheel right? (I am not actively playing right now so I can't check). If so, that pretty much negates any FOV issues.

Trust me when I say that WOW looks far better in WS.

Author:  SergiLlop [ 28 Aug 2006, 13:59 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/

WOW looks great in WS. I am almost certain that it actually his HOR+ too. I know that the Master list says Vert-. but I don't believe it. I swear that you can move the camera angle forwards and backwards with the mouse wheel right? (I am not actively playing right now so I can't check). If so, that pretty much negates any FOV issues.

Trust me when I say that WOW looks far better in WS.

You lose A LOT of vertical FOV and it's very annoying. And you gain some horizontal, not much really. Very difficult to orient in dungeons with the TH2G.

But still... I'm not going back to one 4:3 monitor.

Author:  rosoboy [ 01 Sep 2006, 02:59 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/

Don't get a widescreen. They are just the biggest pieces of junk and a total waste of mo...KIDDING! I doubt you would have had many recommendations for a 5:4 screen in this forum. :D

Congrats on the new monitor, especially the healthy pixel part.

Widescreens rock. I don't regret mine a bit. The best part? My wife loves it too.

Author:  CodE-E [ 02 Sep 2006, 03:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/

Checked around the forums a bit and I just realised that so many games work like crap with widescreen.

For example, one of my previous favorite games is World of Warcraft. I don't play it anymore but I will start seriously again when Burning Crusade is released. But apparently you lose alot of view, and that just sucks.


What do you think? Do you regret buying a WS screen? :/

I'm a WoW junkie, and I bought my widescreen monitor for specifically for WoW over 1.5 years ago, and I've not been dissapointed at all. The fact that you see a bit more vertically in 4:3 in WoW is a non-issue because you can move the camera back a bit. Trust me, you'll not find it a problem. I am usually picky with these kinda of things, but it really doesn't bother me in WoW.

Widescreen resolutions are nice in WoW because you've got extra room on the sides for user-interface mods. If you've got many and only 4:3, they might block your main view, whereas with widescreen you can put them on the sides and still see enough. So yeah, I do recommend you getting one!

Author:  joemama [ 02 Sep 2006, 06:01 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/

I was also second guessing getting a widescreen after I looked at the master games list...and then I made a point of going back through the list and picking out the games that I play/want to play and there was only one (NFSMW) that didn't support widescreen natively or through a patch....but then I found a simple res changer program that lets you start the game at your chosen res.

Basically I don't regret going widescreen and all my fears (dead pixels, ghosting, game support etc..) turned out to be just fear..and nothing more than that.

Author:  skipclarke [ 14 Sep 2006, 04:32 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/

I'd say around 60-80% of the games currently in my playlist require some sort of .ini hack or just don't support widescreen resolutions period.

It's all good though, I hardly even notice it anymore. I've been using a widecreen display since 2001, and if the game supports it, great! If not, its still just as much fun with ratio'ed with black bars because you are still essentially seeing the same thing that your 4:3 counterparts are. Viva Widescreen! :)

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 20 Sep 2006, 04:33 ]
Post subject:  Widescreen gaming, worth it? I got a doubt. :/

Odd I think WoW is one of the games that does really well with wide screen, lets you see alot more of the enviroment and you can have a increased FOV, the verticle loss may exsist but it must be very small, but the horz gain is pretty big.

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