Widescreen Gaming Forum

Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res
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Author:  Microtia [ 18 Oct 2006, 16:12 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

I am not sure if what eZ` said about BF2 is the same for BF2142, but let's look at what you have just said. You are trying to compare in-game settings to outside tweaks to improve the gaming experience. Sure, setting fog distance to the max let's you see farther, and therefore gives you an unfair advantage over other players. But this option is available to change in the game settings. What I am talking about is outside tweaks, to force the resolution (not available at the resolution selector in-game) to a widescreen resolution, such as command line options or .ini changes. It's comparable to using a modified DLL in half-life games to remove the fog when you are underwater. Obviously there are factors they cannot control, like what kind of hardware is used on the end-users side, but these are the things they can attempt to control. Obviously if the game had support for the widescreen resolkutions, this would not be an issue.

I remember when Diablo II: LoD came out and it offered 800x600 resolution, which was widely considered unfair advantage over the old 640x480 resolution. This is sort of the same thing, but not really.

Modifying a DLL isn't quite the same as simply using a res changer BUILT into the game.

What I was saying is that widescreen (especially that doable via BUILT-IN commandline switches or editable INIs) do not offer anymore advantage than the things I mentioned.

Author:  xocomaox [ 18 Oct 2006, 16:16 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

If it's not in the settings of the game, then I would say it's fair game to consider it being a cheat.

Author:  L3TUC3 [ 18 Oct 2006, 19:54 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

If it's not in the settings of the game, then I would say it's fair game to consider it being a cheat.

Disabling the videos is cheating. Hooray!


Author:  Microtia [ 18 Oct 2006, 20:07 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

Oh did I loathe when they started kicking for removing the BF2 intro videos.

Author:  skipclarke [ 18 Oct 2006, 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

I just don't understand this argument about widescreen being a cheat/unfair advantage. Both CS Source (and in effect all source games) plus CS 1.6 (in effect all GoldSrc games) have full widescreen support, 16:9 and 16:10, with zero issues. Absolutely no-one complained about the widescreen support, and welcomed it in fact. Being two games that are fairly competitive, if widescreen was such an unfair advantage there's be far more complaining about how widescreen gamers have an extra advantage over all others and so on. CS players are known to be fairly vocal in their complaints. But there's was/is still next to nothing to hear about it.

But with the BF games, oh no! Widescreen is too much of an advantage, and not only that, people start defending EA/DICE for some reason and agree with this being the case. Why are people defending BF2/BF2142 and not having issue with the many other games with full widescreen support in multiplayer? Damn fanboys.


Author:  Quazimojo [ 19 Oct 2006, 03:59 ]
Post subject:  RE

No disconnects from Widescreen yet, been playing at 1920x1200 for hours but the moment i tried to disable any of the intro vids, started the game back up and whamo booted by PB changed them back and no disconnects since then . after looking on Gamefaqs and all the people getting booted for no apparent reason by PB im thinking it could be other things than running the game in WS just my thoughts.

Author:  warisfun [ 19 Oct 2006, 07:37 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

If they want to get rid of everything that gives one player an advantage over another why dont they ban people with joysticks, fast connections, and overall better computers? I had a friend who was a really hardcore cs player.. he would say how all the competitive players ran at really low res'es even though they had nice computers because it allowed them to target the enemy faster. I think EA/DICE are just to lazy to add built in widescreen res so they come up with some bullshit to spew to the public.

Author:  Contra33 [ 19 Oct 2006, 08:05 ]
Post subject:  works for me

well now that i have the full version (and no t doesnt support widescreen)

i am running the hack and it isnt kicking me

Author:  xocomaox [ 19 Oct 2006, 14:30 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

I just don't understand this argument about widescreen being a cheat/unfair advantage. Both CS Source (and in effect all source games) plus CS 1.6 (in effect all GoldSrc games) have full widescreen support, 16:9 and 16:10, with zero issues. Absolutely no-one complained about the widescreen support, and welcomed it in fact. Being two games that are fairly competitive, if widescreen was such an unfair advantage there's be far more complaining about how widescreen gamers have an extra advantage over all others and so on. CS players are known to be fairly vocal in their complaints. But there's was/is still next to nothing to hear about it.

But with the BF games, oh no! Widescreen is too much of an advantage, and not only that, people start defending EA/DICE for some reason and agree with this being the case. Why are people defending BF2/BF2142 and not having issue with the many other games with full widescreen support in multiplayer? Damn fanboys.


Just because Valve doesn't classify it as being an unfair-advantage doesn't mean it isn't. Clearly, all bias aside, seeing more on screen than people with non-widescreen monitors is an advantage, no matter how you look at it. All I am saying is that EA chose to include that as something they feel the game should be without. Hence, not including the resolution in the selection, and kicking people with Punkbuster. (I am not sure if Punkbuster is run by EA or not, but it doesn't really matter.)

You can complain about their standards all you want, but EA will probably not listen, or care.

Author:  Microtia [ 19 Oct 2006, 15:11 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

If seeing a little more is unfair, then so is seeing better and farther. So is a lower ping etc. Like I said it's not a great argument.

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