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Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta
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Author:  StingingVelvet [ 05 Dec 2009, 20:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta

Indeed, though I found Brosnan the second-best, especially if you forget Die Another Day happened. Very sad that Die Another Day could end up being the last real Bond movie, since it was terrible... almost as terrible as Moonraker, the worst Bond film ever made IMO.

I am weird in that I liked Dalton too in The Living Daylights. That was a good Bond movie I thought and it had a little of the more serious Craig Bond in it while still being a real Bond movie. Licence to Kill sucked though.

Author:  Seawalker [ 07 Jan 2010, 04:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta

Anyword, anyone in Beta? Would love to find out how the game runs in triple screen.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 07 Jan 2010, 23:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta

The closed beta seems to be insanely closed, I usually know people in them but this time I got nothing.

The open beta starts in 5 days though and I should be in on day one with my amazon preorder.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 12 Jan 2010, 05:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta

Star Trek Online open beta is on now, got my key from Amazon this evening. Downloading the client from file planet... looks like it will take about 1,000 years.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 12 Jan 2010, 12:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta

Download finally complete, took like 7 hours, and then... "servers down for maintenance, please be patient."

I hate MMOs despite never playing one other than trials and this crap does not help. I also read today the game forces you into groups in some missions even if you never make any request or movements toward working in a group, which angers me because I was going to play the game solo. Combine all that with my changing from a Star Trek mood to a Doctor Who mood and you have the makings of a canceled preorder unless this rocks my socks tomorrow.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 12 Jan 2010, 23:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta

Still can't play, I made a character but it won't load the game, says it is "full"... lordy. I guess they have a limited amount of Beta participants on at once?

I can tell you from the background of the menu the game is Hor+ though.

Author:  DaFox [ 13 Jan 2010, 04:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta

Still can't play, I made a character but it won't load the game, says it is "full"... lordy. I guess they have a limited amount of Beta participants on at once?

Their servers probably have an artificial limit on the number of users online at once so that the servers do not get overloaded. If they are always full they probably didn't expect the beta to be such a 'hit'. Open betas are largely server stress tests too, so they are probably playing with the number of servers, the user cap per server etc.

Author:  Wiz33 [ 13 Jan 2010, 05:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta

Server are currently down for a patch for all the map full, disconnect issues. Should be back up within an hour.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 13 Jan 2010, 06:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta

Finally played the game and I REALLY like it, but two notes: 1) I am a Star Trek fanboy, and 2) I have never been into MMOs at all, so old innovations feel new to me.

That said the game basically plays like Dragon Age with no pausing, the graphics look decent on the ground, awesome in space. The fact there are a hundred people in every area with me seems almost like background animation, I don't even pay attention to them. I plan to play it "singleplayer" and do all the main "episode" quests as they described them, then quit. I am pretty jazzed.

That said I only did the tutorial so it might crash and burn afterward.

Author:  Wiz33 [ 13 Jan 2010, 20:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Anyone In or waiting for STO Closed Beta

Finally played the game and I REALLY like it, but two notes: 1) I am a Star Trek fanboy, and 2) I have never been into MMOs at all, so old innovations feel new to me.

That said the game basically plays like Dragon Age with no pausing, the graphics look decent on the ground, awesome in space. The fact there are a hundred people in every area with me seems almost like background animation, I don't even pay attention to them. I plan to play it "singleplayer" and do all the main "episode" quests as they described them, then quit. I am pretty jazzed.

That said I only did the tutorial so it might crash and burn afterward.

If you are a Trek fan, wait till you see the episodic missions. They are full of references and stuff pulled from all the old trek episode and they are a lot of fun. I made it to LT CMDR 4 at the end of closed beta and my last episodic mission have me going WOW WOW WOW many times. They seems to have some true Trek fans in the dev team and they have put in references and nods to the franchise all over the place.

P.S. If you need a hand on some of the tougher mission, look me up, I'm @Wiz33 in game.

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