Widescreen Gaming Forum

New Vegas
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Author:  yogibbear [ 23 Oct 2010, 06:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: New Vegas

[quote]Considering steam wants me to pay $89 USD for it... i have decided to order it online via snail mail for $40 AUD.... should be here in a week hopefully.... at over half price. :D


50 dollar there.

Interesting concept. Will possibly revisit it when i have another price gouging experience to deal with. Thanks ;)

Author:  Unknownsock [ 25 Oct 2010, 12:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: New Vegas

I'm definitely finding it a better experience than FO3, which i never actually finished.
Like others have said the writing is alot better, although i still don't think the voice acting is amazing, most likely a engine problem? Not as fluent as say mass effect.

What i love now though is how streamlined the quests have become, everything matches up be it main or side quests. There's a clear reason why X or Y is happening. Which is why i eventually ended up putting Fo3 down.

Although the new map seems alot smaller than in Fo3, i could be wrong though I've only just got past Boulder city.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 25 Oct 2010, 22:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: New Vegas

Like others have said the writing is alot better, although i still don't think the voice acting is amazing, most likely a engine problem? Not as fluent as say mass effect.

Having messed around with the GECK I can say the engine definitely limits how the dialogue works and the flow of it. I find the actual voice acting to be good, but you're right the flow is poor compared to Mass Effect and other such games.

Author:  Tanuki [ 08 Nov 2010, 07:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: New Vegas

Vault 11. Heh heh.

Author:  yogibbear [ 20 Nov 2010, 07:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: New Vegas

Anyone else feel as though this game hardly uses a quad core at all (yet being designed for the 360)...

I reckon there's zero engine improvements in this game. And yet somehow the game crashes for me either in the first 10 mins or every couple of hrs of play. (Still a very good game... else i wouldn't keep firing it up again).

Author:  Hydralisk_X [ 29 Nov 2010, 10:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: New Vegas

Anyone else feel as though this game hardly uses a quad core at all (yet being designed for the 360)...

I reckon there's zero engine improvements in this game. And yet somehow the game crashes for me either in the first 10 mins or every couple of hrs of play. (Still a very good game... else i wouldn't keep firing it up again).

It almost feels like it looks worse than Fallout 3 for me. The "New Vegas" just didn't impress me at all. The world feels smaller, the landmarks feel less significant. The buildings look more hastily put together / worse. It's obvious they made no effort in terms of engine improvements.

The factions feel ridiculous, unpolished, of very little real substance, and buggy. I guess there's 'real consequences' but I was at one point doing missions for both the Legion and NCR. I could literally walk into a Legion camp and do something I needed for the NCR, then leave. There are several missions that have different angles depending on who you picked it up from and it can be very buggy (i.e. the monorail quest - that thing is so broken, many threads online about it). Putting on faction clothing was so strange I just ditched the idea altogether later. For whatever reason that's how it made me automatically friendly with the Legion EVEN up to the point in my game where I can just walk around and they're treating me like I'm a legion fellow even though I just did a NCR quest to destroy an entire encampment. What the - ? I have LONG since ditched my Legion uniform. It made no sense to me. I think I've FINALLY slaughtered enough Legion to get them to treat me like an enemy.

The more obscure factions are just that - obscure. Of note are the Khans where you simply shoot them when you first meet them. You learn about them by talking to NPC's but they have so little to do with the world as a whole that they might as well not exist. I've admittedly not bothered to explore the Khans very deeply but honestly, what is there to explore about them?

The main plot is more my style in New Vegas. I really disliked Fallout 3's main plot - because frankly, I'm just not a Daddy guy in real life so it really annoyed me that the main plot was to run after your dad the entire game.

The Strip - What the hell. This place is awful. It's tiny, ugly, and ... tiny. The games are limited and the casinos are almost virtually deserted. I have no idea if it's engine limitations or console hardware limitations, but damn each place is a ghost town. There are giant gambling rooms and literally 2 or 3 people in the entire room. You hear random ambient noise of crowds and stuff, but where the heck are they? It really breaks the atmosphere. The amount of actual gambling games meets the de facto number you should have in any RPG game. Other games actually put a twist on gambling type games. For a game titled "New Vegas" - the gambling is very subpar.

Author:  yogibbear [ 29 Nov 2010, 12:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: New Vegas

I am a god at caravan. Gambling is rubbish. Caravan is KING BABY! Had 25k before i got to vegas. Basically skipped through the outskirts area and entered straight away as i wanted a new shiny room instead of my crappy apartment. Skipped over all these quests that ended up coming back to me later on when i went back to the outskirts to gain entrance... weird. It's like they think you're going to be broke when you get there. I just followed the U-shaped path that they wanted you to take and did most of the things a long the way... zero exploration. Well in so much as every time i went off the beaten track you run into a field of flesh zombies or deathclaws... so it didn't really encourage going outside that nice big oval shaped area till you sneak your way into new vegas and then can adventure on from there in safety. (level 11)

Author:  matrices [ 30 Nov 2010, 07:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: New Vegas

I'd love to be a fly at the wall at Bethesda/Zenimax. Why the hell won't they fire their awful engine and animation team and use RAGE engine from id Software, which seems like it would be perfect for this type of game and setting? No one outside the aforementioned companies seems to know.

Author:  tet5uo [ 30 Nov 2010, 15:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: New Vegas

I'd love to be a fly at the wall at Bethesda/Zenimax. Why the hell won't they fire their awful engine and animation team and use RAGE engine from id Software, which seems like it would be perfect for this type of game and setting? No one outside the aforementioned companies seems to know.

They probably spent so much developing it in the first place that they want to squeeze as much as they can out of it. Bottom line trumps quality in gaming nowadays.

Author:  Guest [ 02 Dec 2010, 12:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: New Vegas

with this fix > http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34970
(plus the 4gb switch) the game runs at constant 60fps using the native res of my monitor (2560x1440) this with just a meager 4850 @ E6600 ! to bad the game is not as good of the first one...

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