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Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?
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Author:  FramerateUK [ 06 Jul 2006, 22:04 ]
Post subject:  Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

Outrun arrived today! Full 16:10 support and the game works great at 1920x1200 with full AA and AF.

It looks a little bit outdated actually, while its nice and sharp at the full res, it does look a little bland. I guess the high res just shows up the lack of detail.

Still a great game though, and an amazing soundtrack.

Author:  darklight_tr [ 24 Jul 2006, 05:00 ]
Post subject:  Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

There hasn't been a good NFS game since Hot Pursuit 2 imho. The craptacular FWD cars found in undergound do nothing for me. If you are looking for a wacky style driving game, Trackmania Sunrise is worth taking a look it. It's just a fun game to play although it does have starforce so you may have issues with that. For hardcore racing you can go with TOCA3 or GTR to hold you over until GTR2 comes out.

I second TrackMania Sunrise. It is a really fun game!

Author:  Jupix [ 24 Jul 2006, 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

If you're more into a simulator-ish racing game, Live For Speed is a good one. It isn't mind-blowingly beautiful and doesn't sound like Moby was their sound man but it's really good fun and on the other hand really hard work if you want to master it. I personally played the demo for months and months.

Then I've heard from friends that GT Legends is very good. And rFactor as well (though not as good as it was hyped to be).

If you're into rallying, Richard Burns Rally rocks. It's quite good looking, has decent sounds and most of all it was amazingly good fun to drive.

Oh and all of these have their own very lively internet communities if you're a competitive soul. :D

Author:  neoWidescreen [ 25 Jul 2006, 12:54 ]
Post subject:  Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

Back to the topic.... so far it's taken 33 posts to determine "no, not really". :lol:

Author:  Widescreen Guy [ 26 Jul 2006, 00:25 ]
Post subject:  Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

Try the GTR 2 demo.

I love it and still, i'm no hardcore simhead.

Author:  oqvist [ 05 Aug 2006, 17:47 ]
Post subject:  Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

Try the GTR 2 demo.

I love it and still, i'm no hardcore simhead.

I am and I really don´t like it. To much grip not much of a challenge. But it´s only a demo so things is still being tweaked.

Try running in full wet that is challenge enough for me anyway :D.

Otherwise there is GTR which I still love. Richard Burns Rally is a must as well.

Remember I am a hardcore simhead so don´t expect them to be easy :). With aids in GTR anyway it´s quite easy to control.

Otherwise FlatOut 2 was a great little arcade game. Physics has been dumbed down sadly (that is car behaviour otherwise it´s better then ever ;)). The career mode could have been executed better. It´s console damaged but still it´s damn fun and well worth the money.

Author:  FramerateUK [ 08 Aug 2006, 11:07 ]
Post subject:  Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

I quite like the look of "Test Drive Unlimited" so far :).

Shame the PC version is coming out so long after the 360 one, ill still wait for it though.


Author:  dsublett [ 12 Aug 2006, 05:50 ]
Post subject:  Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

I know it was mentioned earlier, but not in a good light. However, none of the above games really even comes close to rfactor. There are so many excellent mods out there for this sim. And, besides that it's just the best racing sim I have ever seen hands down!

Author:  oqvist [ 13 Aug 2006, 02:11 ]
Post subject:  Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

I have rFactor and all the mods has been junk until now. Now there is some promise in mods like F1 1979. Zonda mod for example. Also Porsche Carrera 1.2 is getting good.

If you just want to try new mods every week then rFactor is for you :). But there is little that you can really run a full season with like GPL and GTR I feel.

I wish ISI could get their damn changeable weather going instead of implementing stupid stock cars...

But surely rFactor is good to play with but it lacks the depth of sims like GPL, RBR and GTR I feel.

It generally has the issue of GTR 2. To much grip which maybe is real but not that fun to drive...

But as mentioned there is challenging mods out now :).

rFactor don´t have real tracks and cars only conversions. If you want accurate tracks it´s Simbin sims you should get. rFactor has some great fantasy tracks though :)

Author:  Kaine_IHC [ 02 Dec 2006, 13:57 ]
Post subject:  Are there any good driving/racing games for PC any more?

Cross Racing Championship is quite fun especially if you use a wheel.

Insane Racing is an old game but the vehicle physics are better than most newer games. You can download it for free (100% legal, not warez) from http://www.1nsane.byethost10.com/free1NSANE.html
Also check out http://www.insaneheat.com & http://1nsane.invictus.hu/ for more info on it.

As you can probably tell I'm a bit of an Insane Racing fan :lol:

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