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Author:  StingingVelvet [ 03 Nov 2009, 09:23 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

Yes, it works perfectly. I tried several UE3 profiles and they all worked, the one I have it set on now is 41.

Author:  Simplex [ 03 Nov 2009, 09:30 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

Thanks, I will try. Perhaps for me it's a matter of OS (XP SP3) or specific drivers. What version of drivers are you using?
Also, did you switch off "enhance in-game AA setting" option?

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 03 Nov 2009, 20:23 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

Yeah, never use the enhance option unless the game has AA already or nVidia tells you to, in my experience. I have it off for Borderlands. As for drivers I have used AA on Borderlands in both 191.07, the latest WHQL, and the new beta 194s.

Note that nVidia drivers have had a bug recently where you need to go to your control panel and put them on "use application settings" and apply, then move it back to "use custom whatever" and apply. Without doing that a lot of people can't force anything.

Author:  Simplex [ 03 Nov 2009, 20:56 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

I give up. I tried all the tips, the only thing I managed to achieve was a massive framedrob and a purplish outline on items:

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 04 Nov 2009, 04:07 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

Yeah, one of the compatibility modes did that to me, which is why I switched to 41. I think the one that did that was 100C5... that one gave me AA as well though, the outline is a flaw with the AA method.

Perhaps you don't realize you have AA working... the game is quite jaggy even with AA due to the thick black lines. Look at the billboard at the start of the game in the top right, at the menu... it should be jaggy with no AA, smooth with AA. I can take comparison pics if you want.

Author:  Simplex [ 04 Nov 2009, 07:02 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

That would be appreciated. I will also make screens and compare with yours. Thanks for your help :)

EDIT: Just checked. FSAA seems to be working (very selectively) but I still have purple outline on items, even on 41 setting. I'm nonplused.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 04 Nov 2009, 08:53 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

Weird, I have no outline on 41... could be a driver issue, I am running the new betas.

And yeah, the AA could be selective... I remember noticing a lot of the thick black lines are very jagged no matter what, but forcing AA does wonders for the gun models and buildings and railings and such.

Author:  Simplex [ 04 Nov 2009, 10:55 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

Maybe it's drivers, maybe os (XP) maybe both. I will try the latest betas.
Also for me the gun model was not antialiased, the only thing that I noticed that was antialiased were hanging cables.
And of course I noticed a performance drop completely unproportional to the effect.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 06 Nov 2009, 09:45 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

Handy recollection of essential manual settings (vsync, AA, FOV) :

@SV : I don't get it, are DX10 features broken in Borderlands in Win7 or is there no DX10 at all in the game ? :? Your posts and this got me confused.

Author:  Simplex [ 06 Nov 2009, 09:47 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

This is an even bigger collection of manual tweaks:

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