Widescreen Gaming Forum

Doom 3 Stutters?
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Author:  skipclarke [ 06 Oct 2005, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  Doom 3 Stutters?

Hey guys,

I recently downloaded the Doom 3 demo, and tweaked it a bit, so that i'm playing at 1680x1050 widescreen. The game looks fantastic, but I noticed that there seems to be some "stuttering" while I walk around the facility.

It's a very subtle effect, not the kind of stuttering that produces pauses in game play, but as I walk around I notice that my view tends to bob left and right (might be part of the game) AND that my view seems to stutter. Its almost like a small lag flutter that you might get online.

Edit Update: I showed this to my brother, and he noticed it as well. It seems to occur most noticeably when I face a wall and walk back and forth. The scenery seems to shift in the direction i'm strafing.

Running at high quality settings w/ V sync enable and no anti-aliasing.

Specs: AMD FX-55, 2gb Corsair DDR ram, Nvidia 7800 GTX KO

The effect is so subtle, I might even have to make a movie to properly show it.

Anyone else notice this?

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 07 Oct 2005, 08:48 ]
Post subject:  Doom 3 Stutters?

I don't think I get that ... but if it is very subtle I may be missing it.
You are running the demo ... may be it's a demo thing ?

Does the demo have the seta r_aspectRatio "2" ... 0, 1, or 2 (4:3, 16:9, 16:10) fix in the DoomConfig.cfg ?

You say you tweaked it a bit ... are you sure you didn't tweak something to cause it ... what is it like with the default DoomConfig.cfg ?

Author:  skipclarke [ 08 Oct 2005, 09:40 ]
Post subject:  Doom 3 Stutters?

Thanks for the suggestions Paddy. I actually followed your instructions in the solutions thread for Doom 3, and they worked like a charm. :D

I think my problem is the same as this poor fella:


Also, if you like you can check out some of my smaller movies of the "Frame Skipping" or "Stuttering":



Also, after installing the full version and updating to 1.03


Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 08 Oct 2005, 10:00 ]
Post subject:  Doom 3 Stutters?

Interesting but I haven't got a clue what to suggest apart from the usual and obvious things ... most of which are in the linked thread ... sorry.
It must be really annoying once you have noticed it .... :(

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 08 Oct 2005, 11:59 ]
Post subject:  Doom 3 Stutters?

I'm not about to read through a six page thread right now, but regardless, from the first page, they seem to have forgotten the really simple stuff that can be done. :)

About all I can suggest would be this:

Defrag both C: and whichever drive Doom 3 is on.

Then open up Task Manager and make sure you've not got anything like Norton sitting memory resident and happily chewing up CPU time and memory resources. If you've got a more modern Norton left at its default settings - 2003 and newer, I believe - it'll scan every file as it is accessed. Naturally, this slows games down quite a bit, even on ultra-fast systems. ;)

Short of that, if you've got enough hard drive space, you could extract the .pk4 files. It'll make the Doom 3 directory about 3.5GB. Just rename the .pk4 files to .zip and extract. :D Don't forget to defrag again if you do that, though, as it spreads files about all over the place...

Author:  skipclarke [ 08 Oct 2005, 20:43 ]
Post subject:  Doom 3 Stutters?

Thanks for your timely suggestions guys. Yea, it is very annoying once you start to focus on it. :cry:


Here are some updated videos after applying the "com_fixedTic 1" command in the console.

A couple of notes:

- Using fraps seems to cause a few subtle 'bumps' or 'stutters' in the movies. In game, the motion is completely smooth.

- I have to type in the "com_fixedTic 1" command each time I start the game. Wonder if there is a way to get around this.

Me Doing the Wall dance again:



Here is some practical in-game movement. Notice when I get to A. Chang and start to move left and then right again. Normally the wall in front of me would be jumping like crazy, but in-game it stays put.


Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 08 Oct 2005, 21:00 ]
Post subject:  Doom 3 Stutters?

You should be able to use the 'fixed tic' console command via a commandline switch. :)

Something like;
D:Doom 3Doom3.exe +seta com_fixedTic 1
or perhaps with 1 in inverted commas, like so;
D:Doom3Doom3.exe +seta com_fixedTic "1"

Author:  skipclarke [ 09 Oct 2005, 07:05 ]
Post subject:  Doom 3 Stutters?

Thank you Paradigm, that first command line switch did the trick! :D

I'm glad the game is playing smoothly now. I must admit, shooting imps and zombies in widescreen was never this fun. :wink:

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 09 Oct 2005, 13:32 ]
Post subject:  Doom 3 Stutters?

Good. Glad it's all sorted out. :D Fascinating, though, I've never experienced that 'skip', and my system's not as good as yours...

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 09 Oct 2005, 17:42 ]
Post subject:  Doom 3 Stutters?

Hey you got it sorted .. well done "Mr Shifter" ... 8)

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