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Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)
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Author:  skipclarke [ 09 Dec 2005, 12:59 ]
Post subject:  Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)

Yesterday I picked up

Area 51
Quake 4 (DVD Spec. Ed)
Doom 3 Resurection of Evil (Exp. Pack) $15.00 CDN

So I get home & unpack the Doom 3 RoE box :shock:
inside is a full licensed version of Doom 3 instead!
So I'll sell the full version & make some coin!! :D

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 10 Dec 2005, 13:54 ]
Post subject:  Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)

The special edition of Q4 has Quake 2 and all it's addons included, doesn't it?

Author:  skipclarke [ 10 Dec 2005, 14:35 ]
Post subject:  Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)

Yeah the DVD has the whole deal

Making of Quake 4

Quake 2

Quake 2 Expansion packs: The Reckoning & Ground Zero.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 10 Dec 2005, 20:58 ]
Post subject:  Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)

Gracias. :)

There was an 'unofficial' Quake 2 addon given away free with the Christmas edition of PC Gamer UK a few years back (filled a whole CD!). That was a particularly fun expansion. :D

Author:  skipclarke [ 10 Dec 2005, 21:12 ]
Post subject:  Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)

RE: "'unofficial' Quake 2 addon"

Oh really !!! is that the one you burned onto a CD & mailed to me? :wink:

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 10 Dec 2005, 22:07 ]
Post subject:  Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)

:? No, I've not done that... :)

I have got waaay too many cover CDs from old PC mags... collecting 'em seems to be a not-quite-hobby... ;) I'll have to see if I can find it.

The Quake 2 Netpack was also pretty good; it included a bot for multiplayer games when I didn't want to contend with horrific lag. :)

Author:  skipclarke [ 15 Dec 2005, 15:55 ]
Post subject:  Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)

Sold the Doom 3 for $35.00 CDN

& bought a used copy of Doom 3 RoE for $19.00 :D

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 15 Dec 2005, 15:57 ]
Post subject:  Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)

Look, that's the way to make money. :lol: So the only thing you have to do now is always get lucky and get more expensive things than you bought, and then sell them :shock:

Author:  skipclarke [ 15 Dec 2005, 16:27 ]
Post subject:  Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)

RE: "So the only thing you have to do now is always get lucky and get more expensive things than you bought, and then sell them"


Find that ever elusive job where you make more money than you can spend :lol:

Hello, is this is Mr. Gates? Great! Look Bill, I was wondering..... :lol:

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 15 Dec 2005, 16:37 ]
Post subject:  Got a Lucky Score - for once - Xmass comes early :~)

Gheghe, i haven't even thought of that, that's an even better way to make money. 8)

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