Widescreen Gaming Forum

Jade Empire for PC Announced
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Author:  akamu84 [ 12 May 2006, 19:44 ]
Post subject:  Jade Empire for PC Announced


I played this game on my sister's XBox and loved it, was actually considering buying an XBox the other day just to play this game, but now looks like I don't have to :D

A developer said on their forum that they are currently working on adding support for 16:10 WS resolutions.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 13 May 2006, 09:09 ]
Post subject:  Jade Empire for PC Announced

Hmm, i also have this game on the Xbox but i really didn't like it.
WAAAAAAAAY to much talk and WAAAAAAAAAAY to little action.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 13 May 2006, 14:39 ]
Post subject:  Jade Empire for PC Announced

Another RPG? Must buy... ;)

Author:  Gabbo [ 15 May 2006, 00:35 ]
Post subject:  Jade Empire for PC Announced

I am pretty excited about this. I never bought it for the xbox because I just don't like playing on my xbox as much as my PC. I really loved KOTOR and if Jade can be half as good as that, I'll be happy.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 15 May 2006, 07:46 ]
Post subject:  Jade Empire for PC Announced

[opinion mode] Then you should be fine Gabbo, it's just about half as good. :lol: [/opinion mode]

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 15 May 2006, 21:36 ]
Post subject:  Jade Empire for PC Announced

Eh, if Jade Empire is half as good as KotOR, I'll still love it. ;)

Author:  Gabbo [ 16 May 2006, 03:27 ]
Post subject:  Jade Empire for PC Announced

[opinion mode] Then you should be fine Gabbo, it's just about half as good. :lol: [/opinion mode]


I would like to rephrase... I would like it to be at least 5/8th's as good as Kotor for me to like it.

Author:  akamu84 [ 16 May 2006, 05:49 ]
Post subject:  Jade Empire for PC Announced

I thought JE wasn't as good as KOTOR, but better than KOTOR2.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 16 May 2006, 07:44 ]
Post subject:  Jade Empire for PC Announced

I played both KOTOR and KOTOR II and they where both better than JE.
For some reason i couldn't get into it with JE.
It is just so slow that every time you kinda get to the point that you feel into the game that you have to stop to go to work/bed/something else.

Author:  akamu84 [ 16 May 2006, 13:06 ]
Post subject:  Jade Empire for PC Announced

Maybe that's why I liked it. I played it when I was on vacation, so I didn't have to stop to go to work or really do anything else if I was into it :wink:

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