Widescreen Gaming Forum

new to widescreen gaming...
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Author:  sambront [ 10 Sep 2006, 14:24 ]
Post subject:  new to widescreen gaming...

I just picked up a Samsung 940BW widescreen (1440x900) monitor. Overall, I really like it.

I am having some issues with games. I've read lots of stuff on this site, and have a few questions:

1. I don't think this monitor automatically scales images, and that is either affecting my nVidia drivers (I have a 7800GS with the latest drivers), or the nVidia drivers are bugged because none of the nVidia options to scale images work (they all result in garbled screens). So that means any game that does not run in 1440x900 natively (i.e. WarCraft 3) get stretched...there is no way for me to get the black bars. Or, really, that is my question: is there a way to get black bars for games that don't run in 1440x900?

2. To combat the no-black-bars issue for games that either stretch, or I don't have the horsepower for and would like to run at a lower resolution, I have setup a 1280x1024 as my second monitor to play those games. When I play games on the second monitor, the first monitor still displays my Windows desktop. Should I be setting my system to use a single monitor before I play games? Is there a performance hit, or does it really not matter?

3. I understand that 1280x1024 is a 5:4 ratio, and that is not great. But how about for games that support it natively? Does it matter then? I can understand how, again, Warcraft 3 will looked squashed, but how about my FPSs? When I run Fear at 12x10, does it make sure the FOV, aspect-ratio, etc, is all ok? Or is it really still squashed?

Thanks in advance.

Author:  Microtia [ 10 Sep 2006, 15:03 ]
Post subject:  new to widescreen gaming...

2) It's better to disable the other monitor generally. There is a performance hit, it may not be large but it is there.

3) If the game supports the res there should be no problems

I'll let someone else handle #1 :P.

Author:  skeeder [ 10 Sep 2006, 16:06 ]
Post subject:  new to widescreen gaming...

for number 1

If can often times set it to do a "center input" if you have a DVI connection.

in NVIDIA its found
Display properties>settings>advance>Geforce Tab>Nview sEttings>Device Settings

Author:  sambront [ 10 Sep 2006, 17:05 ]
Post subject:  new to widescreen gaming...

Yes, but that doesn't actually work. The screen gets garbled. Apparently it's a widely known issue, but it might have to do with monitors that can't do the black bars internally. I'm suprised that the Samsung can't do it, but I think that's the case.

If anybody knows how to do it, I'd appreciate it.

for number 1

If can often times set it to do a "center input" if you have a DVI connection.

in NVIDIA its found
Display properties>settings>advance>Geforce Tab>Nview sEttings>Device Settings

Author:  sambront [ 10 Sep 2006, 17:06 ]
Post subject:  new to widescreen gaming...

Are there any utilities that automate that (i.e. when you start a game that runs on moinitor #1, monitor #2 is disabled)? Or do you have to manually do it each time?

2) It's better to disable the other monitor generally. There is a performance hit, it may not be large but it is there.

3) If the game supports the res there should be no problems

I'll let someone else handle #1 :P.

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