Widescreen Gaming Forum

180 FPS, Say What?
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Author:  DasFox [ 02 Feb 2007, 22:57 ]
Post subject:  180 FPS, Say What?

Some guy was talking on the Evga forums saying he was getting 180FPS with WOW.

I thought there was no such thing as a rate like this, and really all you can actually do is like 60-80, and also anything above a certain frame rate can't be seen by the naked eye.



Author:  ctrlsteef [ 02 Feb 2007, 23:29 ]
Post subject:  180 FPS, Say What?

I get around 200FPS in UT2004 all the time, those kinds of framerates aren't that weird. :wink:

Author:  Thin_J [ 02 Feb 2007, 23:42 ]
Post subject:  180 FPS, Say What?

Yeah.. the game can actually run that fast. It's pointless though because monitors tend to not be able to display anymore than 60 or 75 on average.

LCD's, at least currently, are locked in at 60, though the new 110/120hz panels coming out soon will change that.

And yes, after a certain point the human eye/brain can't tell the difference anyway.

Fun fact: the movies we watch in theaters and on TV? 24fps.

At least in the US anyway. I don't know if they do it differently elsewhere.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 03 Feb 2007, 00:11 ]
Post subject:  180 FPS, Say What?

Fun fact: the movies we watch in theaters and on TV? 24fps.

Just some FYI - movies shot on film are 24fps worldwide, but each frame captures the entire range of motion that occurs within 1/24th of a second, and the resulting motion blur allows motion to look smooth despite the relatively low frame rate.

Movies shot on analog video are at a much higher frame rate - either 50fps or 60fps depending on the region. The US and Japan use 60, and Europe usually uses 50. Video tape does not have the motion blur that film does, so the higher frame rate is needed.

Movies shot on digital video can be shot at pretty much whatever frame rate you like. Ones shot for cinema usually use 24fps and have digital motion blur in order to simulate film, while ones shot for TV usually use 60fps.

Author:  Gizmo [ 03 Feb 2007, 00:32 ]
Post subject:  180 FPS, Say What?

I really hate it when ppl compare movie framerate to the framerate in games it just not the same thing...

Movies passive
Games interactive

Frame rate in games is more about the amount of control input you'll have over the motion than anything else & higher is always better/smoother
The more frames your input (mouse/keys/pad ect)can be spread over the smoother its going to feel,this is why pro death matchers want as higher rate as possible so they can have extreme control over there input

each person has there sweet spot and this can vary from genre to genre but for me anything lower than 45fps then i have to start dropping res/settings

Author:  g00seberry [ 03 Feb 2007, 01:06 ]
Post subject:  180 FPS, Say What?

My definitive gametype FPS list!

FPS = 40
RPG = 30
RTS = 25
MMO = 15

Ofcourse the IDEAL for all of them is 60fps. Pointless above that for all the reasons of the monitor's refresh rate and the limit of the human eye etc

I played WoW on my old, old PC at 15fps for about 6months and it was totally playable. In an FPS on the other hand, it's completely un-manageable (e.g me on R6Vegas atm!) ((PS. I've got to the Dam level and have had to stop playing because its about 8fps and impossible))

Author:  CodE-E [ 03 Feb 2007, 12:34 ]
Post subject:  180 FPS, Say What?

Frame rate in games is more about the amount of control input you'll have over the motion than anything else & higher is always better/smoother
The more frames your input (mouse/keys/pad ect)can be spread over the smoother its going to feel,this is why pro death matchers want as higher rate as possible so they can have extreme control over there input...

Exactly. That's why it's better to have 200 FPS in Counter-Strike than a mere 60. You'll have much smoother aim, and thus be a deadlier opponent.

Also, minimum framerate matters a lot. If your average framerate is 60, but it sometimes drops down to 10 in situations where you need lots of precise control, you'll want to upgrade, turn down the details, or if the game engine just sucks, change games. :p

Author:  skeeder [ 03 Feb 2007, 17:01 ]
Post subject:  180 FPS, Say What?

[quote]Frame rate in games is more about the amount of control input you'll have over the motion than anything else & higher is always better/smoother
The more frames your input (mouse/keys/pad ect)can be spread over the smoother its going to feel,this is why pro death matchers want as higher rate as possible so they can have extreme control over there input...

Exactly. That's why it's better to have 200 FPS in Counter-Strike than a mere 60. You'll have much smoother aim, and thus be a deadlier opponent.

Also, minimum framerate matters a lot. If your average framerate is 60, but it sometimes drops down to 10 in situations where you need lots of precise control, you'll want to upgrade, turn down the details, or if the game engine just sucks, change games. :pactually that is total bs. You do not need that many fps to play smoothly. Your monitor can only support the amount of the refreshrate, your eyes can only register a certain amount, high fps is sold to the "gamer" crowd because marketers have noticed if they promise results people will buy the product because more means they are some how better.

I think its a load of crap, I've ran games on old cards get 30fps (in fear) and beat the crap out of alot of people running newer cards. It is all skill, and ping, as long as you get 30fps constant, your fine.

Author:  Gilly [ 03 Feb 2007, 18:45 ]
Post subject:  180 FPS, Say What?

if you can live with it, any constant fps is fine. you get used to it

Author:  SadistBlue [ 04 Feb 2007, 11:04 ]
Post subject:  180 FPS, Say What?

My definitive gametype FPS list!

FPS = 40
RPG = 30
RTS = 25
MMO = 15

Ofcourse the IDEAL for all of them is 60fps. Pointless above that for all the reasons of the monitor's refresh rate and the limit of the human eye etc

I played WoW on my old, old PC at 15fps for about 6months and it was totally playable. In an FPS on the other hand, it's completely un-manageable (e.g me on R6Vegas atm!) ((PS. I've got to the Dam level and have had to stop playing because its about 8fps and impossible))

People with high priced overclocked rigs have an issue with anything under 60fps, as we are used to seeing everything smooth as silk. Having the game run at something insane as 200fps isn't benefiting anything while at that. However when your in an intense raid where graphics are demanding I bet the fps isn't going to drop down anything under 60fps.

As far as fps goes, the only number that really counts is what the lowest fps is. Generely people upgrade hardware to get that number as high as possible. WoW runs at around 240fps on my 8800gtx rig at the momenyt, anf I have to actually enable vsync to keep a smooth play rate, because it's too fast for my monitor to handle without tearing.

Also take note.. WoW isn't the most demanding game out there, Games like Oblivion can still bring my rig to it's knees going as low as 40fps. Once you experience 60fps, dipping below it just feels weird. I used to game at 20fps, never over 30fps.. Your missing out.

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