Widescreen Gaming Forum

GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...
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Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 20 Jun 2007, 17:17 ]
Post subject:  GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...

Here are some comparison screenshots with and without the PhysX card ...
On the same system and including frame rates ... top right.
Only at 1280x1024 as widescreen in the demo is pants as the top and bottom of the view is cut off.
Using the first system is in my sig ... but with only one 8800 and only one of the screens of course ....
Everything at max apart from the AF is set at 4x.

Click to see full size ...

Author:  ragemaster68 [ 20 Jun 2007, 17:57 ]
Post subject:  GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...

I assume the PhysX screens are on the right? Seems like it adds a new dimension to explosions. They don't look so 'Hollywood' or 'Cartooney.'

Author:  Dem Pyros [ 20 Jun 2007, 19:45 ]
Post subject:  GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...

Explosions look much more realistic.........but you have to ask yourself, is it worth that much money and framerate hit?

Author:  FramerateUK [ 21 Jun 2007, 00:47 ]
Post subject:  GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...

Cool, those explosions do look much better! Looks like they improved the performance a bit from the first GRAW game too, but its still a little slower (As is expected from all the debris though!).

Author:  Apple [ 21 Jun 2007, 05:18 ]
Post subject:  GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...

Cool, I havent really seen much of what the Physx can do.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 21 Jun 2007, 08:57 ]
Post subject:  GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...

Some video footage of GRAW 2 ... AGEIA Island ... a special MP map for PhysX owners ... http://www.planetphysx.com/weblog/

This mission will take full advantage of the lastest tech for the PPU including a new force-field wind system which is used to blow the leaves around and really adds to the level of detail. Other features of note are rumored to include a full destruction system which will allow every fence, tree, building and gun nest to be systematically destroyed.

Looks great ... 8)

Author:  Gabbo [ 22 Jun 2007, 15:11 ]
Post subject:  GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...

I couldn't get this demo to work. I would join a server, get in the lobby, and the game would never start for me. I could see that everyone else would start the rounds, but I would just remain in the lobby. I couldn't even figure out how to get out of the lobby as there was no "Exit" option and ESC didn't bring anything up. I always would end up having to CTRL-ALT-DEL my way out of it. I uninstalled and reinstalled the demo a couple times and could never do anything other than see the menus. I looked up the ports that it wants you to forward through your firewall and it was like over a dozen ports! I was going to have none of that. Way too much work for a demo. I am not even entirely sure that that was my problem.

From all of the screenshots, it doesn't really look any different than the last GRAW for PC. I always felt that the 360 versions were far superior.

Author:  skeeder [ 23 Jun 2007, 18:25 ]
Post subject:  GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...

I remember when this technology was coming out. Physics seems to have dropped off the charts as far as hardware is concerned. The idea is cool...but most gamers didn't dig the idea of another device to upgrade...haha

I like the technology behind it. if it was $50 I may of gotten it...but $150 still sound rediculous.

Author:  The Mighty Wimp [ 29 Jun 2007, 18:52 ]
Post subject:  GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...

That does look cool. Rainbow Six Vegas for the PS3 uses Ageia Physx liek GRAW2, and you an see some differences. Even small things like papers fylign in the wind.

Author:  John Reynolds [ 30 Jun 2007, 20:49 ]
Post subject:  GRAW 2 Demo with and without PhysX ...

I didn't know GRAW 2 was supporting the PhysX cards. Hmmm, tempted to go look at their current prices.

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