Widescreen Gaming Forum

L4D2 banned in Oz
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Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 17 Sep 2009, 21:55 ]
Post subject:  L4D2 banned in Oz

Man the Ozzie government is turning into the digital puritans...ISP filtering...banning FO3 and now L4D2


One of the main problems being they still don't have a 18 type rating, muppets!

Another reason that NZ is better :p

Author:  DaFox [ 17 Sep 2009, 22:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: L4D2 banned in Oz

Man the Ozzie government is turning into the digital puritans...ISP filtering...banning FO3 and now L4D2


One of the main problems being they still don't have a 18 type rating, muppets!

Another reason that NZ is better :p

They shouldnt need an 18 type rating, L4D2 should not achieve that, Neither should FO3.

fuck censorship.

Author:  JohnnyWakko [ 17 Sep 2009, 22:59 ]
Post subject:  L4D2 banned in Oz

This issue REALLY gets under my skin. Sif they can't make a 18+ game rating.

Australia is turning into such a Nanny State.

Shame I can't rage quit.


So I can't blast heads off in a video game, however I can see WhenMilfsAttach x18+ rating:


*cough* Nannystate.

Author:  L2Phantom [ 18 Sep 2009, 00:48 ]
Post subject:  L4D2 banned in Oz

Wow, that's pretty... sad. :?

Author:  Frag Maniac [ 18 Sep 2009, 01:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: L4D2 banned in Oz

Man the Ozzie government is turning into the digital puritans...ISP filtering...banning FO3 and now L4D2
And Man Hunt and others, I agree, I feel sorry for my Aussie friends that game. Australia seems to be ban happy lately, and this just lends to rumors you hear about crazy crimes down there and the movies that depict them. Restricting freedom to this degree is never a good way of policing such tendencies, if that in fact is what they're trying to avoid by it.

It's funny how the internet and video games are so singled out as the worst elements of entertainment, yet you have these highly accepted cheesy over the top action and horror movies, and idiots like Kanye West acting like a racist jackass on the MTV awards that no doubt influences way more kids adversely than video games or the net in general do.

Author:  Abram [ 18 Sep 2009, 01:36 ]
Post subject:  L4D2 banned in Oz

I guess you Aussies just don't know enough to make your own decisions. You should feel lucky that your government loves you so much.

Though, game being so pricey over there, isn't is cheaper to buy from elsewhere and ship it in, anyway?

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 18 Sep 2009, 03:45 ]
Post subject:  L4D2 banned in Oz

I guess you Aussies just don't know enough to make your own decisions. You should feel lucky that your government loves you so much.

Awesome... lol.

This is a trend going on everywhere, really. I had a class a few days ago where the professor talked about how we need to make racist comments and websites illegal like child pornography.

As technology increases governments will try to get more and more restrictive and controlling. At some point though, it will become so effecting and apparent I am hoping people will rebel against it.

Author:  DaFox [ 18 Sep 2009, 05:12 ]
Post subject:  L4D2 banned in Oz

As technology increases governments will try to get more and more restrictive and controlling. At some point though, it will become so effecting and apparent I am hoping people will rebel against it.

We're nearly at the point that I hope things speed up so that the rebellion happens sooner. Rather than them slow down.

Author:  maherie [ 18 Sep 2009, 05:40 ]
Post subject:  L4D2 banned in Oz

bah, just buy it online and get it shipped here or torrent it depending on your stance.

Author:  Abram [ 18 Sep 2009, 06:52 ]
Post subject:  L4D2 banned in Oz

Or download + donate.

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