[quote]You seem to be taking the 'who the hell cares' approach too towards people with multi-monitor solutions. When people with certain (yet ever more popular) setups have their gaming experience practically ruined by poor implementation of AR handling, I, as well as others, wish to see this corrected.
I already pointed out that by far the majority of people complaining all over the web about various games being Vert- are NOT multi monitor owners. What gives regular widescreen users the idea that 4:3 compare to them should always be Hor- and not Vert+ ?
And yes, if you have the setup the developer optimized for, then who the hell cares about other setups? I don't cry for people with onboard sound issues, I don't use it.
There's no point having a discussion about it if you only care about what's right for you personally. It's impossible to discuss the 'ideal' solution if you blindly only care about your particular setup. We try and look at the bigger picture and strive for proper AR implementation. That doesn't stop at 4:3 to 16:9 comparisons. The main reason there is negativity towards a vert- solution from people with single monitor setups is the FOV ends up feeling far too tight.
It's basically an enemy to flexibility which is what the PC platform is so great at.
But for the record, I think all users should be able to see AT LEAST the full viewable area that was optimized for. Generally, that would be Hor+ for aspects beyond 16:9. And Vert+ for ones below. Or we can all see the same with anamorphic.
There is certainly some substance to vert+, hor+ solutions in the future and previous discussions about such matters have been had before. However the attitude you have towards this coupled with experience of how discussions about such matters have gone in the past makes me tentative to keep this thread unlocked.