Widescreen Gaming Forum

E3 2014
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Author:  TheDestroyer [ 11 Jun 2014, 03:11 ]
Post subject:  E3 2014

Anything catching your eye?

I think it is kind of cool that games like Gauntlet, MK X, and such (games you would consider to be console/couch games) are coming to PC. Kind of speaks for the rise in popularity of living room PCs (like the SteamBox).

Author:  RadioActiveLobster [ 11 Jun 2014, 03:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: E3 2014

Out of all the stuff I've seen so far from E3, Grand Theft Auto V Acceptable Framerate and Resolution Edition is what I'm most excited for. Max Payne 3 had decent multi-monitor support so hopefully this does too (Though hopefully not that odd 16:10 behavior MP3 had)

Other than that, not much I'm super excited about (that I wasn't already excited for, such as The Witcher 3).

No Mans Sky looks incredible, Alien Isolation looks like it might actually be terrifying, I'm a huge Borderlands fan so The Pre-Sequel looks fun. There wasn't really anything new that wowed me. A lot of it was just some new details on stuff we already knew about (Assassin's Creed Unity, Farcry 4, The Division)

Author:  TheDestroyer [ 12 Jun 2014, 07:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: E3 2014

I've had a lot of people bring up No Man's Sky when talking about E3. Very excited to see that game.

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