Widescreen Gaming Forum

You Are Empty: Can't change resolution?
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Author:  Tubber [ 13 Sep 2015, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  You Are Empty: Can't change resolution?

I just (re-)installed You Are Empty, and old FPS. I also installed the widescreen fix (see here), but I just can't seem to be able to change the resolution. The game starts with a resolution of 1024x768. When I change that in the menu to my monitor's native 1920x1080, the games tell me that the application has to be restarted for changes to take effect.

However, when I restart the game, the resolution switches back to 1024x768. When I do NOT restart the game and load a save/start a new game instead, the resolution as shown in the video menu is 1920x1080, but remains 1024x768. When I change the resolution, start a new game, THEN leave the game completely and restart it, the resolution as shown in the video menu remains but still doesn't actually changes.

I looked for an .ini or .config file to change the resolution manually, but I can't find one. The configuration files don't seem to contain information about the game's resolution. Can anybody help me with this?

Author:  JacobVR [ 20 Jul 2017, 22:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: You Are Empty: Can't change resolution?

Your other games working flawlessly is completely irrelevant to the conversation. The issue lies with your computer and AA, so again I ask you to please post your computer specs so we may go forward in attempting to resolve your (and Oogie's) problem.

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