Widescreen Gaming Forum

Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer
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Author:  dopefish [ 08 Nov 2013, 23:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

The mouse not working is kind of normal for CoD actually. You can still use the keyboard to navigate all of the menus just fine.

I'm still working on centering everything. I made some decent progress earlier today on the SP side. I'll see what I can do in a little bit.

Author:  evil137s [ 09 Nov 2013, 02:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

they just updated ghost will r671 still work?

Author:  evil137s [ 09 Nov 2013, 03:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

FYI r671 is no longer working after the game patched :(

Author:  Funkengreuven [ 09 Nov 2013, 05:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

Yep, whatever was in that 16MB patch caused it to quit working. The fix still shows as active in fixer, but no dice. I had the game set to "do not update" for this very reason, but that didn't help. It will not let you play the game unless you accept the patch...

Author:  dopefish [ 09 Nov 2013, 06:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

I uploaded r673 that works with v3.2 and has more HUD centering for both SP and MP, but it's still not all there yet, especially MP.

Author:  Funkengreuven [ 09 Nov 2013, 07:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

dopefish wrote:
I uploaded r673 that works with v3.2 and has more HUD centering for both SP and MP, but it's still not all there yet, especially MP.

Back in business! Thanks!

Author:  dopefish [ 09 Nov 2013, 09:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

I uploaded r674.

It's getting there. SP is almost completely centered now. Other than the main menu and some objective/mission text it seems like it's all there. I had the rest of the stuff sorted out but crashed the game and didn't feel like looking into it any more tonight. As for MP, the HUD is not centered yet but everything is scaled correctly (minus the markers). I had it all centered at one point, as well, but switched back to work on SP to try some things out.

I'll work on this more tomorrow. It's almost done.

Author:  c_g_f [ 09 Nov 2013, 14:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

thanks for your hard work Dopefish! I update to r674 and also updated my driver to the latest beta from amd.

The elements I talked about are back! but I'm still having the problem of low resolution. I have 3 1440x900 screens, I changed the config file so max height is 1000 and max widht is 5000. the game offers me the following resolutions: 4508x900 (benzel compensated), 4320x900 (original), 4004x800, 3840x800...

If I run the game windowed at 4004x800 it looks good! there must be something about the fullscreen or the max resolution. Maybe it's just my card (hd6950). If somebody is having the same problem please share.

Thanks again

Author:  Funkengreuven [ 10 Nov 2013, 02:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

c_g_f wrote:
thanks for your hard work Dopefish! I update to r674 and also updated my driver to the latest beta from amd.

The elements I talked about are back! but I'm still having the problem of low resolution. I have 3 1440x900 screens, I changed the config file so max height is 1000 and max widht is 5000. the game offers me the following resolutions: 4508x900 (benzel compensated), 4320x900 (original), 4004x800, 3840x800...

If I run the game windowed at 4004x800 it looks good! there must be something about the fullscreen or the max resolution. Maybe it's just my card (hd6950). If somebody is having the same problem please share.

Thanks again

I'm no expert, but it may be a function of the max res & ratio in the config file & what's selected in the game. I play everything at 5892x1080. Not on purpose; that's just the bezel-corrected resolution that suits the way my panels are aligned on the stand. I noticed you set the max res at 5000/1000 in config file. Try setting the max res in the file to the exact bezel-corrected resolution you use & see if that works?

seta r_displayMaxHeight "1080"
seta r_displayMaxWidth "5892"

I also set the following: seta r_mode "5892x1080" manually. I put 5892x1080 in both places. If it changes it back, try write protecting the cfg file as a last resort. Be sure to set the aspect ratio manually too. This affects image quality too in this game.

And last, one thing I noticed is if I have the "Image Quality" setting on anything less than "Extra" it looks like shit...I mean a HUGE difference! I had every other setting maxed out and 4xMSAA on and it still looked like shit until I noticed it wasn't on Extra. I don't know exactly what "Image Quality" does, but it's drastic. Turn other stuff down if fps suffers.

Like I said, I'm no expert, but the above is what worked for me.

Author:  c_g_f [ 10 Nov 2013, 03:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer

Funkengreuven wrote:
And last, one thing I noticed is if I have the "Image Quality" setting on anything less than "Extra"

Thanks a lot! THIS IS THE KEY SETTING.. I was being conservative and didn't want to put it on extra. Now is working perfectly. Thanks Funkengreuven and again thanks Dopefish for your great work.

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