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Author:  HaYDeN [ 27 Apr 2012, 13:21 ]
Post subject:  miked1883 wrote:Success or

Success or failure - I will contribute later tonight or tomorrow morning. But PLEASE try and fix the mirrors edge steam version plugin so I can play. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for a steam version eyefinity fix to play. :)

The menus and text are still screwed in Mirrors Edge - I'm not sure you will be that happy with "the fix" I can't get the damn thing to run windowed mode no matter what I try, I need it in windowed mode so I can see the changes happen, anyway I've fixed that.


You only need to add those additional lines if your config is non standard, eg. different monitor sizes, if its 3x1920 for example it should detect it perfectly.

The actual lines you need to add for SoftTH on non-standard/weird/funky configurations is (yes it needs the [FWS]) ->


   ;GridX must be set to the number of horizontal monitors and GridY must be
   ;set to the number of vertical monitors.

I will let loose a new EXE soon (it will update itself) that will fix mirrors edge and a couple of other bugs.

In the mean time - please supply your SoftTH config file so I can test it for you before I release it.

Author:  valcan_s [ 27 Apr 2012, 15:41 ]
Post subject:  Yeah it did not work for me

Cool, thanks for the Steam account I will be sending you some games later on. No worries totally understand if you can fix it awesome if not no biggy.

Just wanted to let you know that Bioshock 2 and Mirrios Edge did not work(both games Steam), once they work oh man that will be rad.

Author:  mhe [ 27 Apr 2012, 18:10 ]
Post subject:  Great tool, thanks a lot,

Great tool, thanks a lot, Hayden!

I just wanted to ask if these memory hack things could get me in trouble in terms of VAC seeing this as cheat and getting me banned or something like that.

Author:  Nupraptor [ 27 Apr 2012, 18:31 ]
Post subject:  Thanks, for the quick

Thanks, for the quick feedback and interest, HaYDeN.

My config file follows in attachment.

I've just noticed another update in Tribes, now is version 1.0.942.1

Attached files softTH.rar (1.7 KB)

Author:  helifax [ 27 Apr 2012, 18:48 ]
Post subject:  mhe wrote:Great tool, thanks

Great tool, thanks a lot, Hayden!

I just wanted to ask if these memory hack things could get me in trouble in terms of VAC seeing this as cheat and getting me banned or something like that.

Practically no. Technically yes. Depends alot when the VAC checks are done and some of them look for specific things. I dont think resolution is among them:) I havent heard of anyone being banned for using a fix for Surround/Eyefinity.

Author:  P-Storm [ 27 Apr 2012, 19:49 ]
Post subject:  Small request, can you make

Small request, can you make that the tabs close on middle mouse button? :)

Otherwise nice tool :)

Author:  Timobkg [ 27 Apr 2012, 20:18 ]
Post subject:  Just curious, does this work

Just curious, does this work with SoftTH as well, or only Eyefinity/Surround?

Oh, just noticed you answer another SoftTH user's question, so I guess it does work. Thanks so much for your hard work, will look forward to trying this out.

Author:  Bogomips [ 27 Apr 2012, 23:41 ]
Post subject:  Skyrim Item Size

Hi there Hayden, great work.

Just wondering if you could adjust the Skyrim plugin so that the "Item Size fine adjustment" could go even smaller. At the moment my items are still too big to fit onto the screen.


Author:  HaYDeN [ 28 Apr 2012, 02:11 ]
Post subject:  P-Storm wrote:Small request,

Small request, can you make that the tabs close on middle mouse button? :)

Otherwise nice tool :)

You know, I never thought of that - Will do.

Close buttons are actually extremely complicated and difficult to do believe or not, owner drawn controls _do not want_

Author:  HaYDeN [ 28 Apr 2012, 02:13 ]
Post subject:  valcan_s wrote:Cool, thanks

Cool, thanks for the Steam account I will be sending you some games later on. No worries totally understand if you can fix it awesome if not no biggy.

Just wanted to let you know that Bioshock 2 and Mirrios Edge did not work(both games Steam), once they work oh man that will be rad.

Did you use the GFWL fixed DLL in the description? I'll check it out.

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