Skid wrote:
HaYDeN wrote:
Released FOV fix for Need for Speed: Rivals, Released new build of Flawless Widescreen (addresses yet more 64bit bugs, hopefully without introducing any new ones)
HaYDeN, is it possible to get the FoV Fine Adjustment working with the nose camera? ATM it doesn't appear to and I think the FoV is a little low, maybe.
Nose camera is technically correct, it uses a fixed vertical FOV hence it's HOR+, the FOV you see is the dev's intended FOV...
I was going to implement nose camera and a general camera position mod (X,Y,Z) but got on to other things for one, and because the rest of the game uses vertical FOV, the FOV increase for the nose camera would also impact every other view that is HOR+ already, eg. garage etc.
If your making a request, sure I'll add it - if your asking if it's technically correct as it is, yes it is.
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