Widescreen Gaming Forum

How To: Game With Black Bars (non-widescreen)?
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Author:  richstant [ 29 Oct 2003, 15:29 ]
Post subject:  How To: Game With Black Bars (non-widescreen)?


When I got my laptop (ATI 9600) I thought I could game in normal aspect with black bars down the edges, however I've seen no option to do this. Anyone know where I could find it?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 29 Oct 2003, 18:52 ]
Post subject:  How To: Game With Black Bars (non-widescreen)?

What laptop do you have? The ATi drivers provided with mine have that option, but it isn't half buried:

1) Right click desktop, select 'properties'.

2) Click 'settings', then 'advanced'.

3) Click tab 'display' then 'panel'

4) Untick the 'scale image to panel size' checkbox.

Click OK to get out of each menu.

Hope this helps. :)

Author:  richstant [ 30 Oct 2003, 15:48 ]
Post subject:  How To: Game With Black Bars (non-widescreen)?

Thanks for the reply - it's a Rock laptop - I'll try it later & let you know if the option's there :)

Author:  kushalc [ 06 Nov 2003, 03:34 ]
Post subject:  same problem

im havning the exact same problem....
but when i uncheck that scale image to panel size....everything is a little messed up...
what happens is that the screen becomes smaller for each game based on its resolution...it doesnt stretch..but it becomes really small and that isnt cool
anyone know how to solve this problem so that it does scale the image but without losing the aspect ratio??

Author:  skipclarke [ 06 Nov 2003, 06:44 ]
Post subject:  How To: Game With Black Bars (non-widescreen)?

What model of machine do you have, what video card is in it?

Author:  kushalc [ 06 Nov 2003, 16:59 ]
Post subject:  model and system

its an alienware area 51 m....the graphics card is a ati 9600 pro w/ 128 Mb ram....
the problem is associated with this particular graphics card....before this i had a geforce fx 5600go and that card had the option of scaling the image to full screen without losing the aspect ratio
anyone know how to do something similar on the ati's??

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 06 Nov 2003, 19:27 ]
Post subject:  How To: Game With Black Bars (non-widescreen)?

Um... if the method shown above doesn't work, it might be an idea to try the Omega drivers...

Author:  kushalc [ 07 Nov 2003, 06:40 ]
Post subject:  How To: Game With Black Bars (non-widescreen)?

tried that...doesnt work
does anyone else here have any other suggestions?? im desparate here!!
thanks :lol:

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 07 Nov 2003, 17:44 ]
Post subject:  How To: Game With Black Bars (non-widescreen)?

What drivers are you using? Exactly, please. It's under Display->Settings->Options :wink:

Version Information

Catalyst Version: Omega 3.6
2D Version:
Packaging Version: 7.92-030708a-009815E, ATI

Because the stretch setting should be exactly where we said it is.

Author:  kushalc [ 07 Nov 2003, 18:06 ]
Post subject:  How To: Game With Black Bars (non-widescreen)?

thanks for the reply
i dont think i explained correctly...the setting that u described is there as it should be....just that if i turn it off...games that play at 1024 x 678 are display by 1024 by 768 pixels (or whatever)....this means that since my screen maxs out at 1680 x 1050, the game becomes visible in only a tiny window...and thats not cool
also, if i enable the setting, the game stretches / scales to widescreen and thus makes the game look crappy...
what i wanted ot know is that is there a way to scale the display while still preserving the aspect ratio??

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