Widescreen Gaming Forum

Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... v2 Now Live!
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Author:  Delphium [ 16 Feb 2010, 18:39 ]
Post subject:  Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... v2 Now Live!

After creating some centred hud mods for the likes of TF2 and L4D2, I have decided to take what I have learnt from these forums and implement that knowledge into an automated tool.

You may now find this tool here...
Delph's Field of View & Aspect Ratio Calculator and Source Enginge HUD Editor

The idea behind this is so that any user can input their resolution of their triple head display, including bezel management ;), select a game, and then select the location of the original hudlayout.res and select the location for the output file. :)

The tool would then do the maths to work out what aspect ratio the user is using for both surround and on a single monitor, and to then take that information to work out how much the xpos values in a given game need to be incremented by.

The next idea is to have a drop down box with a list of games, each game would have an independent .ini file located along side the tool which will be a set of rules or a template if you will, which will tell the tool to ignore certain elements in the hudlayout.res file.
As such by having independent .ini files, these could be updated easy enough by the community if there is ever any updates to a game, or to even add extra new games in the future.

So where am I at with this tool??
I have the script to parse and increment hudlayout.res files.
I have the formula to manually work out how much to increment an xpos value given a known ratio, ie without bezel management.

What do I still need to do??
Work out a formula that can work on the fly with any resolution provided, not just known ratio resolutions so that this becomes automated.
Finish the GUI.
Produce a set of .ini files for games, I will start with TF2 and L4D2 as these are games I have already modded and own, I do not own many other source engine games, so I may be asking this community for some assistance in producing these.

I believe this would be rather useful to the community so any suggestions would be welcome.

You might as well know that I will producing this within my spare time, I still have a lot of work to do on this so I cannot provide an ETA as of yet, other than its a work in progress, for which I wish to get complete as soon as humanly possible.

So my question to you is, would you folks find this tool of use to you, and would any of you be so kind as to help produce some .ini files for some of the games I do not own.
I will likely be searching for this assistance after I have worked out the tf2 and l4d2 .ini files to set as an example.

Have I got your support? :)

Author:  Lebedev [ 21 Feb 2010, 18:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

i would be very happy about a tool like this! Keep on working :)

Author:  Delphium [ 22 Feb 2010, 12:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

Update: Started building interface and have a basic aspect ratio calculator working.
I had started to produce the tool totaly in perl, however trying to get the gui to work correctly turn out to be a bit of a headache, as such after some experimenting I have decided to produce this as a web app relying on Java for the aspect ratio calculator and interface with php and perl to parse files which is still a work in progress.

Here is what I have managed to put together so far. Which may be found here. :)

Author:  Lebedev [ 23 Feb 2010, 00:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

very nice! keep on working! :cheers

Author:  Delphium [ 23 Feb 2010, 12:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

Updated again with number of monitors support, and rounding to nearest intiger when deviding by number of monitors to acquire aspect ratio for a single screen when using bezel management to pass this information to my perl script in order to adjust values inside of .res files. :)

Without Bezel Management...

With Bezel Management...

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 24 Feb 2010, 23:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

i like this.

Author:  Delphium [ 25 Feb 2010, 15:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

I have now implimented the maths to work out how much to increment xpos values to realign to the center screen. :)

Without bezel compensation

With bezel compensation

Next step is to integrate a method to parse .res files for incrementation, ignoring any hud elements that do not require editing from a seperate element checklist.

Author:  Delphium [ 28 Feb 2010, 05:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

The calc now supports more than 3 monitors when calculating hud shift and I have started to impliment .res files so that they update automaticly.

Link is in my sig :)

More to come soon! :-D

Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 28 Feb 2010, 05:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

The calc now supports more than 3 monitors when calculating hud shift and I have started to impliment .res files so that they update automaticly.

Link is in my sig :)

More to come soon! :-D

That's great news! Only thing I have to say though is that outside of this thread people will be very confused about it because it doesn't mention that it only works on the HUD for source games. You should probably change the text to avoid many unnecessary questions about why your fix doesn't work on _____ game.

Author:  Delphium [ 28 Feb 2010, 05:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

Ah, yes, I was getting to that :)

EDIT: done ;)

I will also get round to putting in a bit more of a readme along with some comparison pics to explain.

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