You can talk about memory hacking in general...
But most games tbh, they vary so much in the way that the engine behaves, even unreal engine games, its up to the implementer as to how they calculate the FOV... if you're lucky they will derive everything from a single base FOV value, change that and everything is fixed... [like 1 in 100 haha] altho 99% of the time the bastards have a FOV value for every little scene switch in a cutscene, at this point it becomes impractical to try and change all the values so you either need to find what the engine reads and brute force it (generally bad practise, but I use the method quite a bit due to ease of implementation and safety from cheat detection) or inject some code to recalculate the value then continue with the original code.
There's a few how-to memory hacks floating around the site from memory.
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