[quote][quote]Rolling back from update to PROPER update 5 worked for me too but screwed up my HD Texture Mods... now they're all somewhat blurry, as in new texture is there but lost its sharpness...wtf ?
ok i knew something was up with some of the textures. I was at a new part of the map and thought they just didn't look as good
Excellent, now that someone else has same issue I know that I'm not insane and it is related to TESV exe versions.
Can someone clarify this for me: If I'm using Helifax CheatEngine solution with CT tables - do I have to be running WSF app at the same time? Or are they two standalone solutions to be used as either-or. ?
They are 2 different things. Either CT table or WSF will work:) In this weekend, I will try to update the fix also adding support for the newest WSF instead of r312 build.
Best Regards.
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