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 Post subject: half life 2, custom?
PostPosted: 19 Nov 2004, 11:50 

Joined: 18 Jul 2004, 23:46
Posts: 34
all the 17" monitors i've seen advertised use 1280x800? :?


 Post subject: half life 2, custom?
PostPosted: 19 Nov 2004, 14:04 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003, 13:52
Posts: 5706
Now, that's the problem: both 1280x768 and 1280x800 are considered 'WXGA'...

The only ultraportable laptop I've seen with a widescreen (from Rock Direct) uses a 1280x800 panel, albeit 12.2". :) It's quite a nice laptop, actually. If only it wasn't Intel Integrated 'Extreme2' Graphics. ;)

Laptops that are WXGA are 1280x800...

Desktop screens that are WXGA are 1280x768...

The only widescreen res's that seem to remain the same are WSXGA+ (1680x1050) and WUXGA (1920x1200)...

 Post subject: half life 2, custom?
PostPosted: 20 Nov 2004, 16:00 

Joined: 18 Jul 2004, 23:46
Posts: 34
i have to disagree there.

most desktop (as opposed to LCD-TV's) that i have found are 1280x800.
panasonic and sony both have ultra-notebooks using 1280x768, but as you say; most laptops use 1280x800.

these split standards really bug me!
first their is WXGA which can be either 1280x800 or 1280x768
then there is WSXGA/WSXGA+ which is either 1600x1024 or 1680x1050.

incidently, of the latter, which is the more common?

 Post subject: half life 2, custom?
PostPosted: 20 Nov 2004, 19:11 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003, 13:52
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WSXGA is a lot less common than WSXGA+, as far as I can tell.

As for the confusion between 1600x1024 and 1680x1050, one is WSXGA and one is WSXGA+, so there shouldn't be much to get confused about... unless a reviewer doesn't know what he's talking about. In which case, you're in trouble. ;) 1400x1050 was considered SXGA+, not SXGA...

Am I confusing anyone else apart from me? :lol:

But yes, split standards are annoying in the extreme. Can you provide a few links to desktop screens that are 1280x800? I've not found any. :?:

 Post subject: half life 2, custom?
PostPosted: 21 Nov 2004, 13:36 

Joined: 18 Jul 2004, 23:46
Posts: 34
i stand corrected. :)

 Post subject: half life 2, custom?
PostPosted: 24 Nov 2004, 10:08 

Joined: 20 Mar 2004, 17:26
Posts: 1
How's this one:

My Sager 8790s uses a 17" WXGA screen at 1440x900.

 Post subject: half life 2, custom?
PostPosted: 24 Nov 2004, 14:24 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003, 13:52
Posts: 5706
1440x900 is supposed to be WXGA+. Given that both 1280x768 and 1280x800 are WXGA, however, there is some confusion. The rules only seem to apply to the higher resolutions. ;)

 Post subject: half life 2, custom?
PostPosted: 29 Nov 2004, 14:36 

Joined: 10 Nov 2004, 23:35
Posts: 1
I seem to remember from reading Home Cinema mags that 1280x768 is 15:9, it's still silly.

1366x768 is 16:9 and what some manufacturers of LCD TVs seem to be moving to :)

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