Widescreen Gaming Forum

Call of Duty
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Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 14 Nov 2003, 16:24 ]
Post subject:  Call of Duty

Although I left the FOV setting where it was. Which was 80. When I changed it to 115, it looked very weird when turning.

Try setting it to 360. Then see what happens. :lol: FOV is very much a personal setting. I'd probably up it to 95 or something, but that's just me. :wink:

Author:  Shadow [ 22 Nov 2003, 00:35 ]
Post subject:  Call of Duty

Just FYI for those of you having problems with COD...


Call of Duty: system hangs or VPU recover error messages playing game

This issue affects the following configurations:

RADEON 9500 Series
RADEON 9600 Series
RADEON 9700 Series
RADEON 9800 Series
CATALYST 3.8 and later drivers

Some users have reported that after the game is launched, the system may hang or produce a VPU recover error.

Hope this helps someone.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 22 Nov 2003, 18:52 ]
Post subject:  Call of Duty

VPU Recover causes more problems than it fixes, at the moment. It's a nice idea, but needs more testing!

Author:  jasonm [ 03 Dec 2003, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  Call of Duty

One of the devs recommended a fov of 90 for widescreen play. Haven't tried it myself though.

Author:  Menoats [ 18 Dec 2003, 15:34 ]
Post subject:  Newbie Here

Ok I am really new at this. Btw great forum its great to know someone took this issue and is at the top of it by making a forum dedicated to be on this topic. I recently got a Satellite P25 S509 great computer just the resolution a bit ignent. I'm trying to fix my Call Of Duty, Warcraft 3, and Battlefield games to display right. Its sad that we have to look for alternate ways of doing this, I mean the developers of the games should be on top of this. I am not a big CS fan but I have the game and 1.6 is just great pure widescreen mode support makes the game look amazing, all developers should follow in their steps and make their games Widescreen I mean if a 6 year old game can have widescreen support why can't newer games have them too? I'll tell you why is because developers could give a ratsass about the consumers satisfaction you already brought the game why should they care thats why we're here trying to solve this problem on our own. I've attached two screenshots of counter-strike to show the diffrence the first is normal 1024 screen and the 2nd is a 1440 widescreen.

Author:  skipclarke [ 01 Jan 2004, 06:42 ]
Post subject:  Call of Duty

If you'll send me the screenshots, I'll upload them and collect them in the one forum. That way all the pretty pictures can be in one spot.

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