Widescreen Gaming Forum

TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution
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Author:  czarman [ 24 Apr 2010, 10:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution


for Avp2 i use this Widescreen Hack: http://aliensvspredator2.filefront.com/file/AVP2_Widescreen_Patch;91071

but it wont work for Avp Primal Hunt. :(

Sorry to hear about Shogo and Blood2 :cry:

but nevertheless - hope to hear soon about any Solution for NOLF & Co. :D

Author:  redrain85 [ 25 Apr 2010, 04:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution

for Avp2 i use this Widescreen Hack: http://aliensvspredator2.filefront.com/file/AVP2_Widescreen_Patch;91071
Yeah, I'm afraid I don't have anything better to offer.

Though I'm surprised no one has done a proper widescreen fix for AvP 2, because the source code is largely available. It's how the "Master Server" patch was made. All somebody needs to do is recompile the CSHELL.DLL file with some new additions/options for widescreen.

If anyone wants to see some "before and after" work-in-progress videos on making TRON 2.0 work in widescreen, you can visit my YouTube channel for further proof that it works. (If you look carefully, you'll probably notice how certain things change and improve over time.)

I also just put up a video of NOLF 1 in widescreen, as a proof-of-concept demo. I didn't do any extensive work on it. It was just a couple of minutes fiddling.


Author:  czarman [ 25 Apr 2010, 11:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution


i saw your Video - looks totally Perfect for me.
Nothing streched full HOR+ support.

With your Solution the NOLF should be entered in the MAIN Game List of fully working Widescreen Game.

Great work mate, well done :!:

PS: When do you cover up the SECRET :wink:

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 29 Apr 2010, 17:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution

Testing the mod is taking a little longer than I expected. I still need to review 15:9 & Multi-monitor support + very high ws res's (2560x1600). And since I'll be AFK most of the weekend, the full DR update won't be up until next week.

Here's a little comparison teaser...

4:3, retail game (shot taken from Tanuki's DR)

16:10, KA Mod

15:9, KA Mod + custom FOV

16:9, KA Mod

3x 16:10, KA Mod + custom FOV

Author:  Abram [ 01 May 2010, 06:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution

Triple screen too? I guess I know what I'm installing tonight.


Author:  skipclarke [ 01 May 2010, 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution

This was one of the first games I tried to DR. Wow, that was a long time ago. Great mod. Posted to the home page, Facebook and Twitter.

Author:  Special_K [ 02 May 2010, 04:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution

All I have to say is...."**** YEAH!!!" I liked the game originally playing on one screen and always wished I could go triplehead2go with it. Never could figure it out. I will gladly reinstall this and play it again. :)

Author:  redrain85 [ 03 May 2010, 01:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution

I'm actually surprised the game will let you set the resolution that high, for a multiple monitor setup. I can see it's far from perfect (two parts of the HUD are scaled way too large), but it's quite a nice surprise to see that it works at all. I had no way of testing that before release, as I don't have more than one monitor.

I actually wasn't thinking of Eyefinity/Triplehead at all when I was working on the mod. For the next release, I could make it a little more multi-monitor "friendly". I could also add 15:9 support, which seems to be growing in popularity on laptops/notebooks/netbooks.

By the way, I'd just like to say that the mod was a team effort . . . I didn't create it alone. Though I handled the research and implementation of widescreen among other things, yes. :)

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 03 May 2010, 15:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution

Unfortunately, res+fov support is not quite enough to ensure comfortable gameplay on multi-mon displays... The "character sheet" is basically unusable because of a strange hit detection problem. In widescreen, you have to click on the "far half" of items (relatively to the center of the screen) to select them - no biggie. In multi-mon though, things get worse:

The upper and lower third of the interface are completely out of reach because of this, which renders the whole thing useless. You won't be able to activate newfound Primitives, Defrag corrupt blocks etc. until you go back to widescreen. So that's an important, albeit secondary part of the gameplay that's completely lost in Surround.

Author:  redrain85 [ 04 May 2010, 00:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: TRON 2.0 - New (possible) widescreen solution

The "character sheet" . . . a strange hit detection problem. In widescreen, you have to click on the "far half" of items (relatively to the center of the screen) to select them - no biggie.

Yup, this is an issue I'm aware of. It's the only part of the widescreen implementation that didn't work out satisfactorily.

I did my best to minimize the hit detection problem, and at 16:10 it's unnoticeable. But it is noticeable at 16:9. I have an idea on how to fix this, but it's quite difficult to do. This is something I'd like to try and improve on in the next version.

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