Widescreen Gaming Forum

Skyrim Multi-Monitor User Interface Fix Discussion
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Author:  tcat92 [ 20 Nov 2011, 14:12 ]
Post subject:  Thanks

Thanks HaYDen for your Fix. Running 5780x1080 fine. No real issues. But I think the next release will make it perfect. Gave to your Widescreen fix by accident. I should have sent it here. It wasn't much so no big deal. But huge thanks from all of us.

Yes, the fov doesn't keep it's setting. It would be awesome if you can add that, but please give us what you have if you feel it's done. The FOV can wait.

Author:  Spyle311 [ 20 Nov 2011, 14:41 ]
Post subject:  Hayden, your fix is

Hayden, your fix is awesome!

I'm not sure what the cause is, but I'm having a real hard time selecting skills when leveling up. My mouse doesn't seem to work, my clicks take me to areas I did not click on, and I can't even click to select the current skill to level up. I have to use nothing but the keyboard, and even that can be challenging..

Author:  HaYDeN [ 20 Nov 2011, 14:44 ]
Post subject:  Spyle311 wrote:Hayden, your

Hayden, your fix is awesome!

I'm not sure what the cause is, but I'm having a real hard time selecting skills when leveling up. My mouse doesn't seem to work, my clicks take me to areas I did not click on, and I can't even click to select the current skill to level up. I have to use nothing but the keyboard, and even that can be challenging..

Yes - I can't for the life of me figure that out at the moment, because I did have that working at one point.

Author:  HaYDeN [ 20 Nov 2011, 14:46 ]
Post subject:  What I have at the moment in

What I have at the moment in addition to the previous fix....

- You can access map via the menu or M and it will show correctly, and coming out of quick travel works also, pressing tab in the Map won't unscale it.
- I've disabled the lock picking scaling because I feel it's too dark, it's not unusable zoomed.
- Fixed mouse cursor being hyper sensitive, but CAVEAT: You have to access the map first before that piece of code executes, but once done it sticks for the entire game.

Remaining serious problems:
- Skills screen still not fixed. (Mouse input doesn't match result)

Remaining very low priority problems;
- Blue either side of the loading screen still unfixed. (I don't consider it game-breaking)

Possible additions:
- World FOV and Hands FOV setting.

Author:  Amon Amarth [ 20 Nov 2011, 14:49 ]
Post subject:  Just wanted to pop in and

Just wanted to pop in and say, thank you so much for this HaYDeN. It's great people like you that basically help game companies make a little more money, because otherwise we wouldn't stand for being neglected as customers.

A donation is headed your way for sure.

Author:  Falcon1 [ 20 Nov 2011, 15:36 ]
Post subject:  HaYDeN wrote:timtl wrote:I

[quote]I have installed the english skyrim localization, and now I can confirm that the fix works perfect!
But with non-english all sad :(

If this is the case then likely the layout for the executable for the different localization is completely different, unless there was call for a specific localization to be added for support unfortunately you'd need to continue using the english EXE....

Have you tried the English EXE with the localized data files? - I could imagine playing the game in non-native language probably quite annoying.

Your fix works flawless with german language version.

Author:  HaYDeN [ 20 Nov 2011, 15:46 ]
Post subject:  Seems like in order to get

Seems like in order to get the skills screen working properly, the background has to be stretched, thoughts?

Author:  chieftex [ 20 Nov 2011, 15:51 ]
Post subject:  HaYDeN wrote:Seems like in

Seems like in order to get the skills screen working properly, the background has to be stretched, thoughts?

If what you say is the case, does this mean the skills screen actually has its own FOV?

Author:  HaYDeN [ 20 Nov 2011, 15:59 ]
Post subject:  Each individual menu has its

Each individual menu has its own set of functions, which is why the thing is so frigging hard to fix, you can't just patch one place, you end up patching 10, if you try and patch a common function, then you end up breaking everything else to fix one thing.

No own FOV so to speak tho, it's very similar to the map basically, its an issue with it "registering" the 2D interface/input for the 3D interface -- make 2D correct and you break 3D and vice versa - I assume Helifax's fix had the same problem?

Author:  snuble [ 20 Nov 2011, 16:00 ]
Post subject:  Dont know if its by design,

Dont know if its by design, but having problems when enemy uses magick. Its like Battlefield 3 where any lightsource seems to fill the screen. In Skyrim flame using enemies just flood the screen with flames, maybe its same as BF3 with wrong scaling of effect?

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