Widescreen Gaming Forum

Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread
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Author:  SKiNNiEH [ 28 Jun 2005, 09:56 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

For people experiencing problems starting the game, i suggest trying the following:

Edit not only the 0001 profile, but ALL OTHER profiles including the Default to exactly the same setting. I have every reason to believe BF2 is using the Default profile to do the initial startup of the game, until you select your player.

The reason i am posting this, is because yesterday i switched from CRT (85Hz) to a TFT (60Hz). The game didnt want to start, so i first edited the 0001 profile. When that didnt work, i also changed the DEFAULT profile to 60Hz and after that it booted up just fine.

Author:  X-ray Doc [ 05 Jul 2005, 07:03 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

Exempt, you're trying to run BF2 at 1280 x 720 correct? I assume you've tried adding the +szx 1280 +szy 720 to the shortcut path. This worked fine for me and I'm using a projector that has the same DLP chip as your Samsung TV. But, 1280 x 720 had to be a valid video card resolution first! You can't just add the shortcut additions without also adding 1280 x 720 to your display options. If 1280 x 720 is not a normal resolution choice, try adding this with PowerStrip first. I did this for 960 x 720 and then added the shortcut additions and the game displays fine. I'd rather play in a non stretched 4:3 environment rather than a stretched 1280 x 720 environment. By using 960 x 720 I get a full height game display with black bars on both sides and a non distorted 3D world. I'll use 1280 x 720 if DICE or EA Games ever allow FOV changes.

Author:  HoodooGuru [ 06 Jul 2005, 18:33 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

I've recently been researching the Battlefield Recorder feature, and came across a feature to RECORD WIDESCREEN DEMOS in the game engine. I can only conclude that BF2 CAN SUPPORT widescreen (via a hack).

The trigger was +FOVX 90, so try entering "+FOVX 100" in your command line to see if you can force widescreen FOV in gameplay.

Author:  X-ray Doc [ 06 Jul 2005, 21:52 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

Well HoodooGuru, I really appreciate your thoughts. I was very hopeful that you were on to something. But unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. When I add "+FOVX 100" or any other number to the end of the shortcut path, nothing changes.

The resolution entries sort of work. but not properly. Normally, when you enter a widescreen resolution without an appropriately increased FOV, the game world stretches side to side. (At least that has been my experience with widescreen gaming to date.) But in BF2, when you enter a 16:9 aspect ratio resolution such as 1280x720, it actually zooms the image instead of stretching it. That is why Paddy the Wak's observations are correct. The game world is not stretched, but you lose portions of the top and bottom which are zoomed off the display. As I see it, this is not a great compromise. You see absolutely no extra information side to side but actually lose information top to bottom. So even though I don't like seeing black bars on my widescreen image, I think for now that is the better option. I use "+szx 960 +szy 720" to get a non standard 4:3 resolution and then just live with the side bars.

Everyone, keep posting at the EA Games Battlefield 2 forum. Paddy the Wak posted the link earlier. I think we're going to need EA Games/DICE's help in order to get FOV changes to work. :cry:

Author:  SKiNNiEH [ 06 Jul 2005, 23:42 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

Maybe a bit of a brainwave, but if fovx exists, would fovy exist too? Maybe you need to set both in order to get the desired result. Or, fovz for depth?

Author:  SKiNNiEH [ 06 Jul 2005, 23:58 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

update... gave that a little try:

"D:GamesBattlefield 2BF2.exe" +menu 1 +widescreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1200 +fovx 90 +fovy 90

It seemed more widescreen to me! But one thing i have to say... i'm all Heinekened up at the time of this posting. The 2d part was still the same way though.

Author:  X-ray Doc [ 07 Jul 2005, 05:12 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

You know, I also wondered about an FOVY. But I don't believe that makes sense. My understanding of the "field of view" setting in games is that it represents your horizontal field of view measured in degrees. Now, granted, there does exist a vertical field of view as well. But I've never seen that specified as a changeable setting in the game. Besides, when going from a 4:3 screen to a 16:9 screen you'd want the vertical FOV to stay the same and just increase the horizontal FOV. Unless you do careful in game comparisons looking and standing in the exact same spot, you can't be sure that your FOV changed. I'll bet in your case it's the Heineken. 8)

Edit: I also think that 90 is the default FOV, so you need to try 100 or 106.

Author:  SKiNNiEH [ 07 Jul 2005, 11:21 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

EDIT: changed it from big pictures to links. Make sure you expand them to their full size when you look at them.

Okay... now that i was sober, i thought lets give this a good test.

1. "D:GamesBattlefield 2BF2.exe" +menu 1 +widescreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1200 +fovx 106 +fovy 106


FOV settings don't do much here.

2. "D:GamesBattlefield 2BF2.exe" +menu 1 +widescreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1200 +fovx 90 +fovy 90


Here the FOV settings don't do much either.

3. "D:GamesBattlefield 2BF2.exe" +menu 1 +widescreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1200 +fovx 60 +fovy 60


Definately, fovx and fovy don't work. The 3 screen are all the same.

4. "D:GamesBattlefield 2BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1
(this is 1600x1200, notice the difference between +widescreen 1 and +fullscreen 1)


Now here is the interesting part. We already know that vertically we can actually see more in 1600x1200 than we do with the widescreen settings. This is visible in the smokestack to the right.

But, if you look closely to the side of the smokestack, you can see just as much horizontally if not slightly more in the 1600x1200 setting than you do widescreen! This is visible when checking the / stilts of the smokestack.

Now, the ONLY THING that i can see that is actually widescreen 3d, is the weapon and arms. If you check the left arm, you can see more of it. The rest of the 3d is just slightly zoomed. This is also visible in the text in the middle of the screen when compared to the knife that is being balanced.

Author:  HoodooGuru [ 07 Jul 2005, 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

From the Battlefield Recorder demo.cmd file. If widescreen can be enable in the demo capture, I can only imagine it CAN BE DONE in gameplay. Keep trying!

(Maybe it's +FOV 1 to override FOV settings, followed by +FOVX 120 to set the FOV wider)...

echo - The format of the window can be changed to E3-wide with +w and to
echo - a mini-window with +m:
echo -
echo - demo +r +w foo mycam
echo -
echo - It can also be set to custom settings with +width and +height
echo -
echo - demo +r +width 640 +height 400 foo mycam
echo -
echo - The render fps can be changed with +fps:
echo -
echo - demo +r +fps 24 foo mycam
echo -
echo - And the default fov can be overridden with +fov:
echo -
echo - demo +r +fov 120 foo mycam

echo -
echo - To render panoramic (360 degree) output to 10 separate AVIs:
echo -
echo - demo +r +p 10 foo mycam
echo - (where 10 is the number of slices in a 360 rotation)
echo -
echo - To render panoramic (360 degree) output to a single AVI:
echo - (Note: Not many codecs support this format.)
echo -
echo - demo +r +p 1 foo mycam


if "%1"=="+fov" set _OVERRIDEFOV=%2&&shift /1&&shift /1&&goto parse



set _FOVX=90
goto parse1

set _WIDTH=1620
set _HEIGHT=405
set _FOVX=160
goto parse1

set _WIDTH=400
set _HEIGHT=300
set _FOVX=90
goto parse1

set _WIDTH=1024
set _HEIGHT=768
rem set these for super-fast testing
rem set _WIDTH=200
rem set _HEIGHT=150
set _FOVX=36
goto parse1


Author:  HoodooGuru [ 07 Jul 2005, 14:11 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

AH HA!!!! Found the author's email addresses at DICE!!!

echo - DEMO.CMD usage:
echo - Author: xxx@dice.se, yyy@dice.se [withheld]

I have ALREADY CONTACTED THEM to ask about setting FOV width in gameplay. I will post their reply here.

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