Widescreen Gaming Forum

Mass Effect.
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Author:  helifax [ 28 Jan 2012, 21:38 ]
Post subject:  There are so many issues with

There are so many issues with this game... No wonder Bioware said they will not fix to support Eyefinity:)) Practically they needed to redo the engine:))
In dialogs the game switches and displays on the middle screen. So you need to press a key to revert to default fov. Than in game press another key to put in your desired fov. Than all the menus are fixed but the actual game hud is moved to the middle of the screen as shown above. Then there are no keyboard shortcuts for menus so you need to use a mouse who thinks your menus are at the original vert - positions.

What I managed to do is to use the controller for the menus and maintain the functionality of keyboard +mouse for the actual game:))
But all this switching between fov, mouse+keyboard breaks the experience...so I wonder if this fix will actually help or make the game even less playable...

Author:  helifax [ 29 Jan 2012, 22:41 ]
Post subject:  Release

I decided to release this fix. Is far from being a "perfect" release, but if you look at the game...it is clear a console port (lack of navigation in menus so you are stuck with the mouse??!?!?!)

What did release does:

1. It shrinks the menus to fit the screen
2. Manual changing of FOV is required between game/menu/cutscenes (Way the GAME was BUILD)
3. Works only with an XBOX 360 Controller (game native support - yet incomplete)
4 . Icons in Radial menus are missing (for weapons and abilities) Incomplete port to the PC. For more info read here http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/106/index/1375781/1
5. The game is playable. I created a new char and finished the two missions testing the galaxy map in the process.
6.Removed crosshair due to incorrect rendering in the game. You will see in the actual game the menus are moved to the middle.
7.Tested on nVidia 3D Surround and works awesome with the nVidia crosshair
8.Tested only on ORIGIN version. Please test it on Steam and let me know the outcome!!!
9. WORST game engine ever (highly moddified with 100001 fov and calculations. Looks like it was made against Eyefinity/Surround support)

How to use it:

1. Download THIS FILE and put it in Mass Effect 2BioGameConfigPCCookedCoalesced.ini (BACKUP YOUR ORIGINAL ONE 1ST)
2. Download WideScreen FIXER from https://www.widescreenfixer.org/test.php
3. Download THE PLUGIN and put it in the Folder or WideScreen Fixer.
4. Run the game and enjoy!.
5. I use:
- Numpad 9 for gameplay (Fov 125 degrees)
- Numpad 0 for Conversations and cutscenes
- Numpad 8 for Main menu (Optional).

I really hope Hayden will provide a problem free solution! as I am waiting for it also;)) But until then if you want to play Mass Effect 2 in Eyefinity this is the only way! Let me know if you want to try and fix Mass Effect 1 also;)

Best Regards,

Attached files Plugin.Mass Effect 2.rar (26.3 KB)

Author:  chieftex [ 29 Jan 2012, 22:43 ]
Post subject:  Helifax.Good luck with


Good luck with this, I see its a mission in itself! I am definitely looking forward to fix, if one can be found. Also, Mass Effect 3 will be out soon - hope that works, but not holding my breath!

Author:  thales100 [ 29 Jan 2012, 23:04 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:I decided to

I decided to release this fix.

Thanks a bunch for your efforts helifax ! :twothumb

Author:  helifax [ 31 Jan 2012, 19:59 ]
Post subject:  No one was curious to test

No one was curious to test it?:))...

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 31 Jan 2012, 20:31 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:No one was

No one was curious to test it?:))...

I will when I get home tonight! 8)

Author:  Wijkert [ 31 Jan 2012, 21:55 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:No one was

No one was curious to test it?:))...

I am and hope to make time to test your fix this weekend.

Author:  tepescovir [ 01 Feb 2012, 06:02 ]
Post subject:  Thankyou so much for this.

Thankyou so much for this. I've been looking forward to playing this in triple screen. I'll try it when i finish puting the new pc together

Author:  helifax [ 01 Feb 2012, 13:13 ]
Post subject:  it is still work in

it is still work in progress:) but I want to see if it works for everyone so far.
At the moment I used only the Origin executable and I want to know if it works also on Steam exe. If not I will update it for Steam also before proceeding with more improvements.
So that is why I want the exe to be tested as much as possible:)

Best Regards,

Edit: dopefish tested this fix for the Steam version of ME2 and it works, Big thanks for doing this!!! So both Steam and Origins versions are supported!!

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 02 Feb 2012, 10:29 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:Edit:

Edit: dopefish tested this fix for the Steam version of ME2 and it works, Big thanks for doing this!!! So both Steam and Origins versions are supported!!

Oh good, I was feeling bad about not having time to try this, but it's for the greater good. Working on another WSGF project atm. Keep up the good work mate! I am really looking forward to this.

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